Ekin Göktan Ekin Göktan

Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, ss learn new vocabulary through pictures and exercises. Most of the vocabulary is related to aid organisations, social and environmental problems.


Abc Speaking, Listening and Vocabulary, Pronunciation HO
Abc Visuals
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • The aim of the lesson is to teach vocabulary related to aid organisations, social and environmental problems.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The subsidiary aim of this lesson is listening for gist and specific information.Speaking about the listening subject is also a sub-aim.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To introduce the topic of the listening

T sticks the symbols of red crescent, red cross, WHO and Unicef on the WB and elicits the word "aid" and "aid organisations". T asks "What do these organisations do? Where do they work? How do they raise money? Who do they help?"

Pre-Listening Stage (2-3 minutes) • Listening for specific information

T writes "Do you think Josh and Helle's new job with an aid organisation sounds a) difficult b) a positive or negative experience? to help ss get a more global understanding first.

Listening for Gist (5-6 minutes) • To the find out an answer of the question written on the WB

Ss listen to the audio tape and discuss the question on the WB, namely positive or negative aspects of being aid workers in groups of 3 - 4. T gets WC feedback. Then, the T asks ss "would you like to do such a job and why / why not?"

Listening for Specific Information (3-4 minutes) • To improve listening skills by putting questions and comments in order

T gives the first HO. Ss listen to the audio tape again and try to put interviewer's questions and comments in correct order. Ss should closely listen the answers of the two aid workers after the beep in order to find out the correct order. T writes the answers on the board as 3 4 1 5 2.

Speaking (3-4 minutes) • To discuss given questions by analysing the graph

Ss analyse the graph about foreign aid and discuss the given questions with their partner.

Scan Listening (4-5 minutes) • To find what given words stand for.

Ss listen for the last time and take notes while listening to find out the meanings of the words. T gives answers as a whole class.

Roleplay (3-4 minutes) • To build sentences and ask questions as an interviewer and aid worker

One of the ss is an interviewer and the other one is an aid worker. Interviewers ask questions about the details of other ss' work and aid worker explains his/her work. Ss change roles. For example, how he/she help people, whether it pays well, the hours, when they joined the organisation etc.

Pre-Vocabulary (2-3 minutes) • To elicit the meaning of the words through pictures

T shows pictures of the words in the vocabulary section to elicit them before matching them with definitions.

Vocabulary (3-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of the words by matching with the definitions

Ss match the words with their definitions. T gives WC feedback.

Pronunciation and Stress (7-8 minutes) • To improve pronunciation and stress

T asks how many syllables are in war and natural. Then, the T shows how to represent word stress on the WB. Ss fill the chart with the words from the previous exercise. Ss compare their answers in pairs. Then, ss listen the pronunciation from the audio tape and check their answers. T drills the words.

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