TP8: Imperatives
Elementary level
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, students will have had practice using the imperative verb form within the context of giving instructions/commands and health & wellness
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of the lesson, students will have a better understanding of selected lexis/vocab (imperative verbs)
Procedure (45-65 minutes)
T tells Ss that she has a friend who's sick (build on context from previous section of lesson). Asks Ss what they would tell a friend who's sick? Write on WB: "ex. Drink water! Take your medicine!" T: "Talk to your partner. What you would you TELL a friend who's sick?" ICQ: What are you talking about? (1 minute) Ss discuss, T monitors to see if Ss use imperatives. Then Ss share some examples of things to tell friends which T may write on WB. (2 minutes)
T says her sick friend is in the hospital and would like to make something to cheer her up. Ask if the class will help. Her friend likes elephants, so they will make origami. T shows Ss the origami she's already made, including the example elephant. (1 minute) T: "LISTEN to my instructions. I will make an elephant, too, and show you what to do." ICQ: "What will you do now?" (listen) ICQ: "Will I make an elephant, too?" (yes) (1 minute) T puts origami paper on the table in front of her. T reads instructions for origami: 1. CHOOSE one piece of paper from the table. (1 minute) 2. Before we begin, DECORATE one side of the paper. (1-2 minutes) 3. FOLD the paper on the DIAGONAL. [ask if students know "diagonal"; fold on diagonal and show Ss diagonal] 4. Repeat on the other diagonal. (1 minute) 5. Unfold the paper. 6. Fold the top corner to the center. 7. Fold the bottom corner up about 1 centimeter. (1 minute) 8. Fold both sides to the center. 9. Fold the top of the sides out. 10. FLIP the paper over. (1 minute) 11. Fold up the trunk. Fold the trunk back down, leaving space between folds. 12. REPEAT the step before this one until the trunk is completely folded. (1 minute) 13. RELEASE the fold so the trunk hangs down. 14. Fold the corners of the head (to mark the ears) 15. Choose another piece of paper. (1 minute) 16. Fold from top to bottom, then from side to side. 17. Fold the bottom up about 2 centimeters. 18. Flip the paper over. (1 minute) 19. Fold both sides to the center. 20. PUT the body and the head together. 21. DRAW eyes on the face of the elephant. (1 minute)
T has Ss write names on their origami, then they place them on the table at the center of the room. T invites Ss to look at the different pieces and choose their favorite. T praises them for following instructions. (2-3 minutes)
T: "The instructions I read are on this HO [chests HO 1]. Fill in the blanks with the missing word." ICQ: "What is on the HO?" (instructions) ICQ: "What will you do?" (fill in the blanks) T: "The possible answers are at the top. Choose the correct answer from the box." ICQ: "Where are the possible answers?" (at the top/on the HO) (1 minute) Ss complete handout, T monitors to see if any words cause difficulty. (2 minutes) Ss compare answers with a partner (1 minute), then T reads the answers. Discussion of any incorrect answers (CCQ's and demonstrations from other Ss to elicit meaning of words and pronunciation). (0-3 minutes) T writes "Choose one piece of paper from the table." CCQ: "What form do these verbs take?" (infinitive - "to") [T writes form on board] CCQ: "What is the subject in these sentences?" (implied to be the listener) CCQ: "What is the purpose? To give an order, advice, or to describe something?" (order) (2 minutes) T writes select words ("Choose," "Repeat," "Put," and "Release") on the WB and drills pronunciation. (2 minutes) T discusses how tone is important to imperatives, gives example of commanding tone and weak/submissive tone. Drills words again, encouraging commanding tone (2 minutes). IF TIME, have Ss practice tone with their partner, monitor and praise (2 minutes). CCQ: Do we speak this way to our parents? (no) Our boss? (no) T: To people we respect, who have power over us, we don't use commands. CCQ: Is this a polite way of speaking? (no) T: We have to be careful when using commands, since they can seem rude. (1 minute) T: "Now, WRITE one sentence for each word [points to words on WB]." ICQ: "How many sentences will you write?" (4) T monitors to make sure Ss write sentences that make sense/use the imperative form (3 minutes). One S shares example for each word. (1 minute)
T hands out pieces of paper. T: "Take one piece of paper each." T: "I will SAY a command [gestures to words on WB], and you DO it." ICQ: "What will I say?" (command/verb/word on board) (1 minute) T reads the vocab list, checks to see Ss know meaning of all words. Perhaps end with something fun, like "throw the paper at the teacher." (2 minutes)
T instructs Ss to stand, separates into groups of 3-4. (1 minute) T: "Now, we will PLAY a game. Take turns giving commands. If the person says, 'Simon Says,' you do the action. If they DON'T say 'Simon Says," you DON'T do the action. For example: Simon Says, sit down. [gesture for Ss to sit down] OK. Now, stand up. [gestures to Ss who stand up that they shouldn't] Another example: Simon Says, touch your shoulder. [demonstrates] Now, touch your nose. [doesn't move]" (2 minutes) ICQ: "Will you use commands?" (yes) ICQ: "Will you use a strong [say strongly] or weak [say weakly] voice?" (strong) Ss play game, using whatever imperatives they want. T monitors to confirm Ss are using imperatives and speaking English. Actually following the game rules isn't important so long as these two conditions are met. T can monitor, circle room to provide additional suggestions for commands (5-10 minutes)