Mahmoud Eldesoky Mahmoud Eldesoky

Great white sharks
Pre-intermediate (B1) level


In this lesson i will it start with a quick warm up activity. I will Present a picture for sharks and ask students some questions about that picture, then I will move to another stage which is pre-teaching vocabulary. In this stage i will present some pictures for words might be difficult for students in order to understand it. After that, i will ask students to read this passage quickly and give me a suitable title for that passage. Teacher will discuss their ideas and write down the most appropriate title on the white board, then we will move one through reading for specific information, the teacher will ask students to read a passage within 10 minutes and asnwer some questions below. Finally students will practice speaking skill by talking in a context of "Sharks" . Teacher will monitor and notice if there were any errors to deal with it later.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about Great white sharks in the context of Sharks

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Predators, belly, tiny, razor, orcas, fins in the context of Great w


Warm up (7-10 minutes) • To st the lesson context, engags students and generate students intereset

In this stage i will present a picture for shark and ask students some questions about this picture such as 1-what was your first impression toward that picture? 2- what do you know about sharks? Teacher will discuss their point of views toward that picture and compair their answers and raise the one which will him to move on to the text.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (8-12 minutes) • To provide clarification on meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language in the context of "Great white Sharks"

In this area of the lesson i will use (meaning, pronunciation, form) method. First of all the teacher will present some pictures for words and elicit the words from the students, then the teacher will clarify the meaning. The teqcher will pronounce each word for three times and ask students to say it individually. Finally the teacher will write down it on the board.

Pre-reading (4-6 minutes) • Students will be able to skim a passage correctly

In that stage, the teacher will ask students to read a passage quickly and give him the most appropriate title for that passage, teacher will drill his instructions by ICQs ( are you going to read it quickly or slowly?—what should you do after reading?). Teacher will gather their ideas and write down the most suitable title on the board.

While-reading (10-15 minutes) • The ability of scanning a passage

Teacher will ask students to read the passage within 10 minutes and scan it carefully and search for specific information in order to answer the questions. Teacher will set the context, give instructions, monitoring then ask students to check their answers in pairs. Finally the teacher will provide the students with the feed back.

Post-reading (15-20 minutes) • Encourage students to practice speaking skills in the context of "Great white Sharks"

After skimming and scanning the passage, students will move to another skill which it speaking skill. In that stage students will speak about sharks and share their own prospective toward that issue and aslo talk about their own experiences and they can also mention new ideas they have learned from the passage. They will talk in one big group and teacher will be a leader of that group and notice if there were any mistakes to deal with it later.

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