Sibel Vural Sibel Vural



In this lesson students learn vocabulary for friends and family, talk about their own families and draw and describe their own family trees.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of family and friends vocabulary in the context of Sarah's Family

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice and review of the apostrophe 's


Warmer/Lead-in (10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Books closed; the T asks: Who are the important people in your life? and elicits Ss' answers, eg. my mom/ my father/ my best friend. Ss open their books at page 10. T explains that a curious person is someone WHO is keen to learn or know. Ss look at the photo for 10 sec. and close their books explain what they remember. In small groups they answer the three Qs below the photo. T distributes photos of her family and asks Ss to guess the identities of the people in them. If Ss have such photos online they can use their mobiles / tablets to briefly Show each other some of the photos they have.

Exposure (10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Ss will watch the link ( The Simpsons Family) while watching it once gain the T will pause and ask them to make sentences about the members of the Simpsons family.

Task 1 (15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target vocabulary

Ss open their books to page 11 and study Sarah's family. (make sure they identify Sarah) Ss work in small groups / pairs to complete ex1.11. Ss listen to the recording and check their answers; repeat the words.

Task 2 (15 minutes) • to provide reinforcement of the target language

The Ss turn to the Vocabulary Bank on page 107 and do the FAMILY and FRIENDS activities in pairs: they find pairs of words listed in the box. They drill out the pairs to the class in pairs.

Language Analysis (5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

The T explains -that all the two syllable nouns in the box in Task 2 have have their main stress on the 1st syllable; - the Word 'mate' means friend / partner and can be used as a greeting in UK and Australia. - the difference between "male" and "female"

Language Practice (15 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

T puts Ss into groups of 4-5 and hands out 3 circles cut out of colour cardboards to each group and then T asks Ss to copy the circles in Pg11 Ex 4 into theirs to complete with the words in Ex.2. They compare their answers to the other groups'. Then T checks the answers in the whole class. They can design and fill in their circles as they wish. Their circles will be displayed on the bulletin boards

Less Controlled Language Practice (10 minutes) • practice the target language while having the chance to check their learning themselves in a more entretaining activity

The Ss will play Kahoot

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