Luiz Carlos Rocha Dias Jr. Luiz Carlos Rocha Dias Jr.

Basic 6 level


In this lesson, students learn vocabulary for family members and how to narrate events.


Abc Action 6 Updated Edition, Activity Book (LF, 2013)
Abc Action 6 Updated Edition, Student's Book (LF, 2013)
Abc Flipchart Magic Ink Feature
Abc PowerPoint
Abc Special Flipchart Page
Abc Flipchart page

Main Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of narratives in the context of family.
  • To provide practice of language used for narrating stories in the context of family.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice in the context of funny family stories.
  • To provide clarification and practice of family lexis.
  • To give learners practice in predicting content


My Voice (4-5 minutes) • To encourage creative use of L2

Display the list of situations on flipchart page 1 and ask learners to role-play a dialog in one of them.

Addressing Homework (2-4 minutes) • To consolidate past participles as adjectives.

Show learners answers to today's homework on the IWB and encourage them to clear out any doubts they had while doing it.

Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show learners flipchart page containing a family photo behind a question mark. Gradually erase the question mark by using the Magic Ink tool and prompt learners to predict what today's lesson will be about. Once somebody says family, entirely reveal photo. Show PPT slide 2 and have learners discuss the questions in pairs.

Vocabulary Presentation & Practice (5-7 minutes) • To present family lexis & provide practice

Learners turn to Word Zip 3 and match the words and the definitions (learners comapre answers in pairs). Classcheck by using the PPT, slide 3 (use visuals to clarify the meaning of half vs step). Then learners complete the chart (#2), (learners compare answers in pairs), classcheck by using slide 4. Slide 5 for practice.

Pre-reading (2-3 minutes) • To give learners a chance to predict content and facilitate reading

Tell learners they are going to read two funny family stories, but that first they are to look at the pictures and guess what each story is about.

Exposure/First Reading (3-4 minutes) • For learners to check their guesses and to provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

Learners read the stories and check their predictions. Elicit from a few groups if they were right or not (if not, how do their predictions differ from the actual stories).

Exposure/Second Reading (5-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading.

Learners read the stories again and fill in the gaps with the narrative expressions in the box (#3). Clarify meaning if need be, especially of "suddenly" .

Post-reading (3-4 minutes) • To give learners a chance to react to the text by expressing their opinions; to allow them to relate to the stories.

Have learners discuss the questions in #3 in pairs. Elicit a few answers.

Dealing with extra vocab. (2-3 minutes) • To draw learners' attention to the need of using relevant adjectives in their texts.

Leaners complete the glossary in #4 with the words highlighted in yellow in the stories. Class check

Useful Language (4-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Show learners a flipchart page containing all the expressions and ask them what they have in common (they're used for telling stories/narrating events). Refer learners to the FOCUS and ask them to complete it with the expressions from the stories. Classcheck by writing answers on the special flipchart page. Then learners complete the story in #6 with the expressions from FOCUS. Learners compare their answers in pairs. Classcheck orally.

Productive Task(s) (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Refer learners to the writing competition (#7) and ask them which part of the prize they like most. Tell them they are going to participate in the competition and that the stories may be real or fictional, but real stories have a better chance of winning. Have learners tell their partners the story before starting to write. Monitor and give feedback.

Feedback and Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Write down some errors learners made on the board and elicit correct forms. Praise examples of good use of the target language.

Setting Homework (1-2 minutes) • To give learners a chance to consolidate learning

Tell learners they are to finish their compositions at home. The compositions are due Tuesday, August 29 (one week to complete it).

Debriefing (1-2 minutes) • To raise sense of achievement

Elicit from learners examples of what they have learned in today's lesson. Ask them the following questions: 1. What did you find easiest/hardest about today's lesson? 2. How can you use what you have learned today in the real world?

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