Copy of Valentine's Day
Pre-Intermediate level

Main Aims
At the end of the lesson, students will be better able to use the rhyming words effectively in the context of love messages about Valentine's Day.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist and specific information listening in the context of love song about Valentine's day.
Procedure (45-45 minutes)
1- Teacher will ask students about how their Valentine's Day was. 2- Teacher will ask students about things remind them of Valentine's Day. 3- Teacher will divide the students into four groups. 4- Teacher will teach some new vocabulary in the lead in activity that may the students do not know. 5- Teacher will give the students a handout matching activity of things related to Valentine's Day. 6- Students will match pictures of things related to Valentine's Day with their names. For example, Students will match the word " Balloons" with a picture of balloons. 7- Students will check their answers on the PowerPoint slide.
1- Teacher will ask the students to watch the video of the song without the sound. 2- Students will watch the movements of the woman's lips and try to write the words that she is saying. Teacher may give example herself to more clarification. 3- Teacher will ask students to check their answers in pairs about the words that they have written. 4- Teacher will listen to the students' guessing.
1-Teacher will ask the students to listen to My Valentine's Day song and guess what is the song is about. 2- Teacher will check the students' understanding of the instruction by ICQs. 3- Teacher will ask students about their guessing.
1- Teacher will give the students a handout with the lyrics of the song of My Valentine's Day with some gaps. 2- Students will read the lyrics. 3- Students will listen and try to complete the lyrics by the words from the box. 4- Teacher will ask the students ICQs to check their understanding of the activity. 5- Students will check their answers in pairs. 6- Teacher may play the record more than one time if the students ask for that. 7 Teacher will provide the answers by using the data show.
1- Teacher will show the students pictures by PowerPoint by the data show about romantic things that might be happened to them or they would like them to happen. 2- Teacher will ask the students in pairs to choose the best picture for them and discuss why they have chosen it. 3- Teacher will ask students to tell other pair about their choice.
1- Teacher will ask students to underline the rhyming words in the lyrics of the song. 2- Teacher will give the students example to help them. 3- Teacher will show the rhyming words on the PowerPoint. 4- Teacher will show the phonetic transcription script to the students to more clarification of the rhyming words. 5- Teacher will do a choral drilling of the rhyming words.
1- Teacher will give the students some rhyming words. 2- Teacher will ask students to match the rhyming words together by sticking them next to each other. 3- Teacher will ask students to check their answer on the PowerPoint.
1- Teacher will give the students love messages. 2- Teacher will ask the students try to complete the love messages with rhyming words. 3- students may use the rhyming words from the previous activities to help them if they find any difficulties to complete the messages by themselves. 4- Teacher will listen to the students' words that they have used.
1- Teacher will give the students some words and ask them to find five rhyming words for each one. 2- Teacher will give the students example for more clarification. 3- Teacher will ask students to do this as a homework.