Tufan Öner Tufan Öner

Grammar Discovery Lesson Plan
Beginner A1 Level level


Main Aims

  • Ss will be able to discover the new grammar point with the help of collaboration in a contextualized way and produce them in the speaking task.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will be able to discuss, make decisions and some guesses through the interactive tasks


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To generate interest and arouse curiosity on the context of the lesson Ss will be able to make guesses by looking at the cues provided.

Firstly, Ss are asked to look at the photo of a gadget (e-reader) and discuss following two questions in PW. A tip box is presented in case Ss might not know the meaning in their level. Ss listen and check their responses. CCQ: Is the Ipod a gadget? (Yes) ICQ: What are you going to do after you discuss? (Listen and check the answers)

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation, Ss will be able to listen for specific information

Secondly, the students are asked to look at the clues next to the text in Activity 2 as the aim is not listening skills. Ss are scaffolded with some clues. They got to listen and complete the description of a gadget. T asks 3 volunteers to utter the answers. CCQ: How many letters are there in the last clue? (4 letters)

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language, Ss will be able to scan the text for specific information.

Following, Ss are asked to read the comments quickly and mark the sentences T or F individually. Later, they are to check their answers with their peers. ICQ: What do you do after completing? (Check the answers with my friend)

Clarification (13-14 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form of the target language, Ss will be able to discover the rules in PW and name the grammar rule. Ss will be able to recognize the formation differences in a meaningful context

After reading the text, Ss are asked to discover the grammar on their own. The title of the grammar point is not specified. Looking at the explanation and example, Ss, in PW, are asked to name the preposition “than”. They should go through the text to check their answers. CCQ: Compare e books and paper books. Which ones are cheaper? (E-books are cheaper than paper books) Later, they focus on finding out how to form comparative adjectives. Still they should discover formation by going through the text. In the end, they get to name the rule. T asks 2 pairs to check each other’s grammar points and see if anything is missing. At the end, Some ss share their ideas for the title of the rule. I: Please, double check your rule formation from the comments. CCQ: When do you use these adjectives? (When comparing things) CCQ: What did you say for the title? (Comparative adjectives) CCQ: What are two irregular adjectives? (good and bad)

Controlled/Semi Contolled Practices (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice, Ss will be able to practice the newly learned language from controlled to semi-controlled activities.

After discovering the grammar, Ss are assigned to complete a controlled activity (Activity 4A) in which they complete the isolated exercise by using appropriate comparative form individually . T highlights the phonological difference between easy and easier by drilling. The activity 4B moves from controlled to semi controlled activity type in which Ss are to look the pictures of some gadgets and find 2 relevant adjectives to describe them in PW.

Free Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice Ss will be able to communicate in pairs to make decisions and guesses.

In the last stage of grammar practice, The activity 4.C1 and 4.C2 provides more communicative activity (freer) in which Ss are to make decisions and guesses. While one of the students describes a gadget, the other is supposed to guess what it might be.

Speaking (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language, Ss will be able to discuss and make decisions collaboratively.

Ss, in pairs, are to choose a mutual friend of theirs and imagine S/he has got a birthday soon. Ss are invited to discuss and decide on a present for her/him from the pictures given in Activity 4D. Moreover, Ss are motivated to use comparative adjectives in a meaningful context. CCQ: What do you need to choose first? (a friend) CCQ: What are the criteria? (Best Option/Comparative adjectives)

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