Sports Collocations with Play and Go
Beginner level

Main Aims
To practice sports-related collocations with the verbs "go" and "play" in the context of a university student's life
Subsidiary Aims
To do a semi-controlled speaking practice using sports-related collocations in order to personalize and further study them
Procedure (45-58 minutes)
T shows different pictures about her hobbies. T "I play the piano. I learned it when I was 6 years old." "I love swimming, I go to the beach with my family at the weekend." "I go to the movie theatre with my friends every week." "I love reading books." T sticks a paper on the board with questions: "What are your hobbies? What do you like?What do you do at the weekend?" T divides sts into pairs and asks them to talk about their hobbies. T gives them 3 minutes. ICQs: How many minutes? (three) Are you going to ask questions? (no) Are you going to talk about yourself? (yes) T "What did you learn about your friend?"
T hangs the pictures of activities on the left and right sides of the board. T divides sts into two groups. T gives students strips of paper on which the names of the activities are written. T "Match the sports with pictures. Stick the papers on the pictures. You have three minutes." ICQ: How many minutes? (three) Are you going to write? (no) Are you going to stick the papers on the pictures? (yes) Using CCQs, T clarifies some of the sports students are not familiar with. Rugby: Do you do it alone? (no) Do you play it in teams? (yes) Do you use a ball? (yes) Is it like american football? (yes) Sailing: Do you do it on sea? (yes) T draws a sailing boat and points the sails. Do you use a boat? (yes) Do you use small sails? (no) Windsurfing: Do you do it on sea? (yes) Do you use a boat? (no) Do you use a board? (yes) Do you use big sails? (no)
T "We will read a text about Ayşe's life." "I'll give you two minutes." ICQs: How many minutes? (two) Will you read quickly? (yes) After 2 minutes. T points the questions below the text. T"Answer these questions alone." T"Check your answers in pairs." Students nominate their friends by throwing a paper ball to choose who is going to answer next. WCFB
T "Are there any words related to sports?" "Which ones?" "Which verb is used with them?" T writes them on the board. Meaning: (volleyball, basketball) T "Do you have an opponent?" (yes) "Do you want to win?"(yes) "Do you have a team?" (yes) (swimming, dancing) T "Do you have an opponent?"(no) "Do you have a team?" (no) "Do you go somewhere to do it?"(yes) Form: (volleyball, basketball) (points the words) T "Which verb comes before these?" (play) (swimming, dancing) (points the words) T " Which verb comes before these?" (do) "What is similar in these words?" "Do they look like each other?" (-ing) Pronunciation: Drill the pronunciation and mark stress and linkings on the board. T gives sts a HO on which there are some questions about meaning and a gap-fill activity about form. T "Answer these questions and fill in these blanks with these activities. You have four minutes" ICQs: How many minutes?(four) Will you work with your friends? (no) Check in pairs. T projects the HO on the board. Sts come to the board and write their answers. Errors are corrected through questions. WCFB
T divides students into pairs. T "In this HO, there are questions you can ask your friends." T asks those questions to one of the students to do a demo. T "If your answer is yes what do you say?" (Yes, I do.) "If your answer is no?" (No, I don't) Let's start. T "What did you learn about your friend?"
T writes some of the errors she heard during the speaking practice. T asks students if they are wrong and why.