Writing in the context of Rituals of Dating and Anniversaries
Upper Intermediate level
Main Aims
Students will be able to write a blog for an anniversary guide
Subsidiary Aims
To Speak in discussions to provide feedback and share information
Procedure (47-58 minutes)
- T will share his weekend experience of seeing many couples holding hands and being romantic. - Students will get into groups of 3s to uncover 'why it's important to be romantic in a relationship' - Each group will provide input to the WC so that everyone is on the same page regarding the importance of anniversaries
- Ss will be given Handout A to write about DO’s and DON’Ts for Romantic Dates from personal thought/experiences, the thoughts/experience of others (family/friends, etc), and TV/film. - Ss will be put into groups of 3s to peer check and have discussions. - Ss will then share input with the class about what they were able to discover from their partners and whether they agree or disagree.
- T will give Handout B for Ss to define useful language pertinent to anniversaries. - Ss will peer check and share their understanding with WC so that everyone is on the same page regarding the useful language.
- Using information from assignment A and what they've learned from their peers in assignment B, Ss will write a guide for having the best anniversary. - Things to do and things not to do: for places to visit, things to eat, activities to do, types of clothes to wear; and what are the benefits of having anniversaries. - Students will have the opportunity to exchange papers with 2 or 3 classmates and to discuss what they've learned.
- As a WC, students will discuss which articles were their favorites - Ss will explain will elaborate of their choices.