Grammar Lesson
A2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of superlatives in the context of films.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide controlled, semi-controlled and freer speaking practice to improve accuracy and fluency.
Procedure (38-47 minutes)
T asks Ss about what they talked about in the previous lesson and some follow-up questions. T asks: - 'What did you talk about in the last lesson?' (films/movies) - 'What about the films? What did you talk about them?' (answers will vary)
Ss will undrerline all the adjectives from the listening transcript containing an interview with Mariela about films, and then T elicits them from the Ss. T chests the transcript and says 'Please work in pairs and underline all the adjectives with (the) from the transcript.' ICQs: '- Are we working alone or with a partner? (with a partner) - Which adjectives are we going to underline?' (with 'the') T writes the adjectives on the WB and elicits the marking sentences.
- Ss will be handed HO2 to do meaning and form clarification to figure out the meaning themselves. T chests the HO and says: 'Please work in pairs and do exrecies A and B, you have 5 minutes' ICQs: 1- 'Are we working alone?' (no, in pairs) 2- 'How much time do we have?' (5 minutes) T then elicits the answers in WCFB and checks and corrects and mistakes or errors. - For PRON, please see LA. (4-5 minutes)
T chests HO3 and says 'Please write the superlative form of the adjectives individually. You have 3 minutes' ICQs: - Are we working in pairs or alone? (alone) - How much time do we have? (3 minutes) - T monitors during the activity. - Ss check in pairs. - WCFB
T chests HO4 and says 'Please use the superlative form of the adjectives to fill in the gaps individually. You have 2 minutes' ICQs: - Are we working in pairs or alone? (alone) - How much time do we have? (2 minutes) - T monitors during the activity. - Ss check in with a new partner. - Ss check the AK on the back of the HO
- T chests part one of HO5 and says: 'Write eight of these things on a piece of paper. Write one or two words, not complete sentences' (3 minutes) T hands the HO and a sheet of paper to each student. ICQs: - Are we going to write full sentences? (no) - Are we righting on the HO or the empty paper? (the empty paper) - T chests part two of the HO and says: 'Can you please stand up? work with a new partner. Swap papers. Take turns to ask questions about your partner’s words. Ask more questions' (5-7 minutes) ICQs: - Are we going to swap papers? (yes) - Are we going to ask questions about the things in the papers? (yes) T monitors and helps when needed.
T writes some good examples perforned by the Ss on the WB and praises the Ss who said them. T writes wrong sentences that might be produced by the Ss on the WB and asks the Ss to correct them.