Present Continuous (future meaning)
beginners level


In this lesson...


Abc SB Page 72
Abc SB Page 73
Abc Practice Book Page 45
Abc Practice Book Page 45
Abc Audio of Exercise 2a
Abc Guided Discovery Sheet

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with clarification, review, and practice of 'present progressive (future meaning)'.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking and writing practice in conversation in the context of the future.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will tell the Ss that it will be a very busy two weeks for him/her. He/She wrote everything down but he/she wants to write notes to her calendar/diary. 1.''Next Tuesday, I'm going to the hairdresser.'' 2.'' I'm going out tonight. I'm too tired and there's a good film on TV at 8.15'' 3.''I'm going to party next Wednesday.'' 4.''I'm visiting my parents this weekend .'' 5.''I'm getting up early tomorrow morning. There's an office meeting at 9.00.'' 6.''Let's meet for a coffee tomorrow. How about 4.30?'' 7.''We are going to the cinema on Thursday. Would you like to come?'' Give them the sentences in different paper and the calendar in a big sized paper. Put the whole class into three groups. Give each group three minutes to complete the task. Play music in the background. After three minutes is up, hang the paper on the board and let the Ss check their answers.

Exposure/ Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will tell that now it's their turn. ''Think of three things you are doing this week or next week. Write three sentences like we did in the warmer activity. Use ICQ's: How many sentences are we writing? three. Are we working alone or together? Alone. In this stage encourage Ss to notice the TL and in this case, find out what they know. Monitor the students and take notes. Plan B: Accordingly to their needs T will write on the board four time expressions (today, tomorrow, this week, next Sunday) and make sentences using them.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will give them the guided discovery sheet and explain the stages and how they will do it. T will draw on the board a timeline to show what the difference is between present meaning and the future meaning. T will ask ICQ's Are we doing it alone? No. How many minutes? Three. Teacher will give them three minutes to do the sheet with their partners. If the Ss struggle with the meaning add more CCQ's. I'm seeing my friend tonight. Now I'm teaching. Is the first sentence about now?No. What am I doing now? Teaching.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1)T will give them the page 72 and let them read the notes on the right side. ex.1 tell them to match the sentences with the notes. They have one minute to this exerices. They will work in pairs. ICQ's Are we matching the pictures with the sentences?Yes. How many minutes?One. Are we working alone? No. 2)T will group them and they will decide which sentences are talking about the future and now. ICQ's: Are we working as a group? Yes. 3)Scan listening. Audio 2.47. T will open the recording and the Ss will try to find the information when his free day is. ICQ's Are we listening for details?Yes. 4)roleplay: In pairs tell them to play rock/paper/scissors. The loser will be Alan. Tell them to ask each other questions but the loser of the game will be Alan. ICQ's Who will be Alan? Loser.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T will them the page 73 and let them read the ex.3a. Are these future arrangements for them true if not let them correct the sentences. They are going to work alone. ICQ's Are we writing?Yes. Are we working alone?Yes. T will tell them to work in pairs and compare their arrangements.

Freer Practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will tell them to be in pairs for the speaking activity. ''Think of something you are doing this week or next week. Write sentences with a time expression.ICQ's: Are we writing?Yes. Speaking: Tell the other student what you are doing. Find someone who is doing the same as you. Are we writing? No. While monitoring them take notes and after the task give them hot feedback and error correction.

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