TP 5 B


The lesson starts with the comparison of two pictures and a small discussion about being a morning person. Then, the teacher gives students a reading text about a teacher's morning routines and students read the text for gist. Teacher highlights the target language; collocations on the text and elicits meaning with visuals. The form is also elicited on the board on examples. Teacher demonstrates the pronunciations and asks students to repeat. The lesson goes on with the controlled and semi-controlled practice of the target language. The lesson ends with feedback and delayed error correction.


Abc Latham-Koenig, C., Oxenden, C. (2012) English File Beginners Ss Bk ,OUP
Abc Soars, L. & J.() New Headway Beginners Ss Bk ,OUP
Abc Soars, L. & J.() New Headway Beginners Workbook ,OUP
Abc Images from google

Main Aims

  • To clarify and provide controlled practice of collocations with do/have/go, using a reading text about morning routines of a teacher.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice reading for gist and lexical inference


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of the text

*T greets the ss and ask them to write name tags and put them on their desks. *T shows two pictures to the students one of them is a woman who is happy after she wakes up and the other is a man who is angry about waking up early and asks the ss `Are you a morning person?` *To elicit the meaning of ` morning person` t asks -How many times does the alarm clock rings before you get up? -Are you happy when you wake up or not?

Reading task (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the target language via a text about a teacher who talks about her morning routines and to practise reading for main idea

*T chests the HO *T tells the ss: -Read the text quickly, decide if Sue is a morning person or not? and tell why. -You have 1 minute ICQs: How much time? (1 minute) Do you read every word? (no) *Ss read the text *Ss pair check *Whole class feedback

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To highlight the target language by use of an underlining activity

*T tells the students to look at the text again and underline the verbs "go, do ,have" and the words that go together with them. *T makes an example . *S scan the text and underline the collocations. *Pair check *Whole class feedback

Clarifying target language (15-20 minutes) • To clarify meaning of target language, to model and provide controlled practice of pronunciation and to highlight form

*T draws a table on the board with 3 columns, and write the verbs have, do and go on each one. *T divides the class into 2 groups and gives the groups different colored paper scraps with nouns on them to match with the verbs on the board. -Look at the words on the papers and stick them under the correct verb. *Whole class feedback *T chests the HO. *T tells the students to write the correct collocation in the blanks from the WB. - Look at the pictures. It is one day of the teacher Sue from the reading text. -Choose one from the board and write under correct picture. ICQs: -Are you going to write just verbs(have, do, go) or verbs and nouns together . (Together) *Ss check their answers in pairs. *T projects the HO on the board and tells the ss to write the answers on the board. *Whole class feedback. *T checks the meaning of housework with CCQs to be sure students understand the difference between do my homework and do the housework. CCQs: - If I am a student, after school do I do my homework or do I do the housework?(housework) -If I am a mother and I clean the house is it homework or housework? *T elicits the form of collocations on the WB. *T models the pronunciation for the collocations and asks the ss to repeat .

Controlled practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide controlled written practice of collocations

*T chests the HO. *T tells the students: -Complete the sentences with a word that goes with have/ do/ go. -Let's remember past simple form of have , do, go before you start. (elicits) -Do the crossword. -You have 5 minutes. ICQs, -Are you going to write one or two words ? (one) - How much time do you have?(5 minutes) *Ss do the crossword. *Ss change their partners and check their answers. *T hangs the answer key on the wall and tells students to check their answers.

Semi-Controlled and freer Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled , freer written and oral practice of collocations

*T chests the HO. *T tells the ss: -Write the answer for each question according to yourself. *Ss write the answers. -Stand up and ask these questions to different friends , note their answers. *T asks ss what they have learnt about each other.

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To establish correct answers and to deal with the results of the task.

*T writes some of the mistakes she has realised during monitoring students' practice. *T elicits the correct forms from the students and shows them on WB.

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