April April

Water & The Human Body: Listening, Infinitive of purpose
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students practice sub-skills listening for gist and listening for specific information through the context of learning facts about water and the human body. Students will have an opportunity to review body-part vocabulary and learn some new vocabulary. Students will also have a chance to learn about and practice infinitives of purpose during constricted and freer dialogue activities. The lesson will use PPP with a mini-guided discovery vocabulary teaching activity.


Abc Sample name tag
Abc Audio recording & transcript
Abc coloured paper for extra nametags -- new students
Abc outside body parts/ inside body parts cards
Abc Human body, inside and outside, labelled
Abc Vocab clues chart
Abc Vocab words
Abc Answer Key - Vocab
Abc Matching - Specific listening numbers + facts
Abc Answer Key - specific listening
Abc Large image, watering can
Abc Grammar activity
Abc Dialogue prompts

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about water and the human body in the context of water.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of body part words, and clarification of potential comprehension blocking vocabulary in the context of a text about water and the human body.
  • To provide review and practice of infinitives of purpose in the context of water and the human body.


Student entry + Grouping (5-5 minutes) • Re-group students; remove distractions

Before students enter: -4 islands of desks = 4 groups of 4-6 ss As students enter: -Ensure students have name tags. -Ask ss to silence their cell phones (show cellphone) and to put their bags at the side of the room. Once entered and seated: -Give each student a card (one of 2 colours) that has either an INSIDE or OUTSIDE body part on it. Ask them to find other people who have inside or outside body parts, then sit at the appropriate Island (inside body parts colour 1, inside bp colour 2, outside bp colour 1, outside bp colour 2)

Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Write on the board: "CLUE: The human body is made of 50-60% _____________. About 70% of the earth's surface is covered in ____________, but only 3% is drinkable. My guess:________ Answer:________" Elicit response from students -- what am I describing?

Pre-Listening (6-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

"We will listen to a talk about water and the human body. Water is very important for our bodies. The words on this worksheet (chest matching vocab sheet) are related to facts about water and the human body. You will guess what the word is by reading the clues, just like we did together on the board for the word "water". You have 2 minutes to guess. You may work with your group." Give HO to groups. Wait 2 minutes. Distribute words to groups (no instruction needed) Give students 3 minutes to check their answers/find the correct word. Circulate to check understanding. *If students have major problems, take 1 minute to go over the vocab as a whole group. Prepare an answer key for each group just in case. Gain student attention with squeaky fish and raising arm. "Think about how each word might be related to water and the human body. Write down your thoughts. You may work in partners." Give student about 3 minutes to brainstorm. Cue listening track. Gain student attention with arm up. "Now we will listen to the talk about water and the human body. I want you to listen and see if any of your ideas are in the recording. ICQ: What will you be listening for? (elicit student response). Do you have to understand every word? (No.) Play the track once through, no stopping.

While Listening #1 - Gist (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening tasks

Students listen to the track, and check their notes. When recording ends, "Who heard their ideas in the recording? Great!"

While Listening #2 - Specific information (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging specific information listening tasks

"We will listen to the talk again. (chest HO) Listen for these numbers to find out which fact it matches. The facts are written out here. Distribute HO. <write 2, 2/3, and 22% on the board. Elicit pronunciation from the ss.> We will listen to the recording 2 times. " First listening, no stopping. Give students 30 s. Start second listening. Stop after each numerical fact. "Raise your hand if you have all 7 answers. 6, 5, 4, etc." If very few students have 5+, listen to the whole thing again. "Check your answers with your partner". Prep next activity: put a large picture of a watering can on the board. Get grammar HO. Write "I use my glasses ________ ; I use the eraser ______; You use this _________" on the board.

Post Listening 1: Grammar (3-5 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Sqeaky fish raise hand. REGROUP: "Stand up. Take your NAME TAG, your WORKSHEETS and your PEN. Green name tags here, pink nt here, blue nt here, yellow nt here" Once students have settled: Hold up glasses. "I use my glasses to ___________" Elicit "to see (better). "I use the board eraser ______________" Elicit "to erase" "You use this (point to watering can on the board) ____________" Elicit 'to water plants' Ask: "What verb form is this?" Infinitive. "What is it used for? What do you notice?" elicit "to say why we do something". "Complete this activity orally (Chest HO) -- no writing -- with your partner. ICQ: Will you write down your answers? NO Who are you working with? PARTNER" Distribute HO. Monitor w/ notebook: record errors. If any errors, write them on the board. Elicit correct form.

Post-Listening 2: Grammar practice (5-6 minutes) • To give students a chance to practice infinitive of purpose orally with a partner.

(Chest speaking prompt HO) "In your partners, use these prompts (point to HO) to make sentences, and ask each other questions. ICQ: Will you write down your answers? NO. Who are you working with? PARTNER" Distribute HO. Monitor speaking, take note of mistakes if any. looking for usage of infinitive as well as correct question formulation. Listen for pronunciation of weak form (to drink). If time: choral drill pronunciation of weak form, error correct on white board.

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