Upp. Int. level
Main Aims
To provide specific information and detailed comprehension practise by listening
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy in speaking with conversation and discussion practice in the context of memorable events
Procedure (37-49 minutes)
T talks about his recent festival experience. (Uses songs maybe) Shows topics on WB and let them discuss what they see on the WB in pairs. T gets WCFB by asking a few Ss what they talked about.
T shows pictures relating to the recordings. Asks Ss to discuss what they thin the recordings are about in pairs. Asks a few Ss about their opinions as WCFB
T tries to elicit as much words as possible with telling stories about his life. After covering the meaning part T then demonstrates words form on WB Finally T drills for pronunciation errors chorally and individually.
T will show the HO which has the first question and explain to Ss that they only have to do the first question. T then asks to pair check answers. Then WCFB
T will give instructions for the second hand out Asks Ss to read the questions to know what they will be listening for. Pair Check and WCFB
T will show the next HO and will explain that they have to look for the specific sentences in the recording and state which recording they are from. T will encourage pair check right afterwards and do WCFB by asking why they chose that particular option
T asks students to work in pairs and discuss if they have lived a similar experience like in the ones of the recordings. T will conduct WCFB.