Aladdin Wishes Grammar Lesson
Elementary, A2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of request chunk "I'd like to" in the context of Aladdin's magic lamp geine
Subsidiary Aims
To provide practice of transportation vocabulary in the context of wishes for the Aladdin's lamp
To create an environment where the kids feel safe to learn and fun to be motivated to complete the tasks
Procedure (37-50 minutes)
- The T greets the students and asks them if they know Aladdin. - The T plays the video. - After the class watches the video, the T tells the context of today's lesson: Aladdin's Magic Lamp Geine and our wishes from him. - The T explains what wish means first.
- The T tells the students that we will read some wishes of other people from the geine. - The T shows the handout while doing chesting. - The students are given the instructions of the matching activity. "Draw lines to match". - The T models the activity. - The T gives the handouts. - After the students finish, they check with their pair. - In the end, as a classroom the answers are checked.
- The T gives the the instructions. "I will tell you my wishes from Aladdin's geine. Some are perfect wishes but some are the things I like. It is something I like, raise the red cart. It is something I'd like (my wish) raise the green card. - The T models and checks the instructions. - After the meaning activity, the T moves onto the form and pronunciation avtivity "Twister game" - One student from each group comes reads the sentence and puts their hands and feet and their group mates try to say the sentence to learn Aladdin's wishes from the geine.
- The T sticks the wish card on the board. - The T sits in the middle of the class without saying anything and models the activity. - The T asks ICQ's and divides the class into two or three groups. - The T does monitoring during the stage.
- The T sticks the lamp of aladdin on the board and tells the students her wish. "I'd like to fly with a parachute." Writes it on a paper slip and sticks it near the lamp. - The T gives the other instruction. "you finished it? Come next to me get a blue tag and stick your wish on the board."