Grade 5 level

Main Aims
To provide background information about school supplies.
Subsidiary Aims
Students will be able to recognize the school supplies.
Students will be able to name the classroom objects.
Students will be able to describe and introduce classroom objects.
Procedure (33-42 minutes)
- T asks Ss what comes to their minds when they hear 'school' -Ss do brainstorming. -T writes the answers on the board and creates a mindmap.
-T distributes the reading text to the students. -Ss read the text. -After reading the text, Ss circles the picture of objects mentioned in the text. -T gives the question sheet about the text and ask them to answer the questions according to text. -After finishing the exercise, teacher elicits answers from the class and whole class check together.
-Teacher distributes the reaading text "What am I?" to the students. - Students reads the short paragraphs and decide which classroom object it is. -Students match the objects and their definitions individually.
-After matching the paragraph and objects, a student reads a paragraph and other students tries to find the correct object.