Özlem Yılmaz Özlem Yılmaz

A1 level


In this lesson, students develop their listening skills and review vocabulary for commonly used verbs in English based on a text about "last weekend". They are also exposed to past simple tense. The lesson starts with a discussion about what they did last weekend. Then, they listen to the text for gist, for specific information and lastly, for details. The lesson finishes with a speaking activity where students answer a questionnaire about themselves, mingle in the classroom and try to find a partner who has the same answer.


Abc Coursebook

Main Aims

  • To develop listening skills

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of the past simple tense in the context of last weekend


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T draws a cloud on the WB and writes the names of the days around the cloud leaving blanks for some of the letters and asks them to find the missing letters. I: "There are seven words on the board." ICQs: "How many words?" Yes, ... I: "Some letters are missing." ICQs: "What are missing?" Yes, ... I: "You are going to choose the correct letter and stick it." ICQs: "You are going to ..." -T elicits the word 'days'. T writes it in the cloud. -T asks: "Which days are your favorite?" and she draws a heart for the favourite ones. (Probably most of the answers will be Saturday and Sunday.) -T elicits the word "weekend" for Saturday and Sunday.

Pre-Listening (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

-T makes use of a PowerPoint slide and asks questions to students about what they did last weekend. I: "Did you get up early?" "Who? How many people? Raise your hands." "Did you go out or stay at home? etc." "Who? How many people? Raise your hands." - T elicits the answers through whole class discussion. -T ccircles the mostly done activity on the WB.

Listening for gist and specific information (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

-T chests handout. I: "Work individually." ICQ: "Are you doing it individually or in pairs?" I: "Listen to three people." ICQ: "How many people? Yes..." I: "Find. What are they talking about? Are they talking about their summer holidays, last weekends or hobbies?" ICQ: "You are going to find if they are talking about..." T gives HO. I: "Check in pairs." T elicits the answer from WC and writes it on the board. -T chests handout. I: "Work individually." ICQ: "Are you doing it individually or in pairs?" I: "You are going to listen two times." ICQ: "How many times?" I: "Listen carefully." ICQ: "Are you listening carefully? Yes..." I: "Find. What did they do last weekend?" ICQ: "You are going to find what they did... I: "Write O for Olga, C for Connie and A for Andre." ICQ:"What are you writing?" I: "More than one answer is possible." ICQ:"Can you write more than one answer?" I: "Check in pairs." T nominates a fast finisher to write the correct answers on the WB.

While-Listening #2 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening task

-T provides Ss with the detailed listening task. I:"Read the questions first. Listen very carefully. Answer the questions." ICQs: "Are you reading the questions first? Yes... Are you listening carefully or very carefully? Very carefully... And then answer the ..." I: "Check in pairs." -T provides the answers on a handout.

Post-Listening (10-12 minutes) • For learners to practice their oral accuracy in relation to the use of past simple yes/no questions

-T gives the instructions: I: "Work individually." ICQs: "Individually or with your partner?" I: "Answer the questions, YES or NO. Write your answers in the first column." ICQs: "What are you writing? Are you writing in the first or second column?" I: "You have 3 minutes." ICQs: "How much time?" T hands the handout. Before giving the instructions, T demonstrates what Ss are going to do with the help of a learner. -I: "Stand up everyone.Ask these questions to your friends." ICQs: "You are going to ask these questions to your ..." I: "Write the names of the people with the same answer with you in the second column." ICQs: "You are going to write your friends'... Who has the same or different answer? Where? In the second..." I: "You have 5 minutes." ICQs: "How much time?" The person who finds the most matches win.

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