Khaled Khaled

TP 3b
A1 level


In this lesson, students learn about different kind of shops and remember some vocabulary from previous lessons using a listening text. The lesson starts with showing some shops around Istanbul based on the cards they wrote me last time (their favorite areas). Then Ss listen to more text to get some tasks done (gist and specific listening). The lesson end with a speaking a speaking practice to make small conversations in shops, cafes or restaurants.


Abc Ex. 1a pg. 38
Abc Ex. 2b pg.39 Audio.177
Abc Ex. 3a pg.39

Main Aims

  • Listening

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice a minimal conversation in a shop


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T shows the cards he got from Ss last lesson, "Thank you guys so much for the nice places and ideas you gave me, most of you wanted me to go to Sultanahmet. So, I went there. It was a great day and I found many shops. Let me show you." -T shows the photos on the WB. "What are these shops?" -Ss guess and tell the names of the shops. "Antik, cafe, Turkish food, nargile...." T hands the photos to the Ss with the names of the shops, "Now read the names of the shops to your friend next to you. You have 1 minute." T monitors.

Pre-teach vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- T shows Ss the HO, "match the word from the box with the picture and write it above the item, for example: where is the pen? good, so you write pen here. Work alone, 2 minutes." ICQs, " Are you writing the word here?" -"Check with your friend next to you." -T writs the numbers of the items without the answers on WB. Ss write the answers. -T points to the stress and drill pronunciation.

While-Listening (listening for gist) (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening tasks

-T shows a picture of a kiosk, with a question, "You will Listen to the audio once and write the answer of this question" ICQs: "Are you listening twice (2 times)?" No. one. "Are you writing the answer?" Yes -T says: "If you know the answer tell your friend next to you." -T writs the answer on WB. -T drills pronunciation.

While Listening (listening for detail) (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

-T hands ex,2b pg.39 to Ss: "Now you are going to listen 2 times and answer the three questions here. Listen carefully. Work alone." ICQs:"Are you going listen one time or two times?" 2 times. "Are you going to listen carefully?" -T says: "Check your answers with your friend next to you." -T monitors. Posts 4 small cards with the answers on the WB preparing for a running dictation. -T divides Ss into 4 groups. the group chooses a leader. "Now the leader should come to the board reads the answer but no shouting, remembers it, goes back to the group and tell them." ICQs: "Who is coming to the board?" The leader ICQs to the leaders: "Leaders, are you going to read it the answer shouting?" No. -T monitors. - T shows ex,3a pg.39: "One more listening but this time you are going to complete the conversations. I'm going to play it 2 times. Work alone." -T: " Check with your friend next to you" -T monitors. -T selects one students to check and correct with WC.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T shows Ss cards A and B, "Role-play TIME. A, B ,A ,B ,A, B ...... card A is the customer, card B is the waiter or shop assistant. There are empty gabs here, fill them, write your ideas. You have 3 minutes, then, you come and do it here." ICQs for A: "A, are you customer?" Yes ICQs for B: "B, are you customer?" No. waiter or shop assistant. T monitors. Check errors. Each pair comes to the front and present. GOOD JOB everyone. Thanks for today.

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