Veronika Veronika

Veronika Oztortop TP3 Listening
Elementary level


In this lesson students practise their receptive skills listening for gist and detail in the context of countries and nationalities. The lesson starts with a quick game and this is followed by different activities where they review and train countries-nationalities vocabulary. Finally there is some practice of productive skills via a final speaking activity where students will talk about people they know of different nationalities.


Abc Clandfield, L. & Pickering, K. (2010) Global Elementary Teacher’s Book, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Abc Clandfield, L. & Pickering, K. (2010) Global Elementary Coursebook, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Abc Metcalf, R. (2011) Global Elementary Workbook, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed in the context of countries and nationalities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of countries and nationalities


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Divide the class into different pairs (Rio de Janeiro/Berlin/Paris/Madrid/Moscow) Say that they will race now, which pair will be the first to finish. Ask students to each write the names of three cities. The Ss dictate the name of the cities letter by letter to their partner. The first pair to finish dictating all six cities wins.

Pre-Reading/Listening (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Ask the Ss to read, to listen and to underline the nationalities they will hear. Stop the recording after each person and ask: City? Ss: Bangkok. Country? Ss: Thailand. Nationality? Ss: Thai.

Pre-Listening (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Divide the Ss into three groups Chinese/Polish/Brazilian. Ask the Ss to complete natioionalities. Feedback on the WB (the Ss write the answers, drill the pronounciation, mark the stress.)

Pre-Listening (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Without drawing the students' attention to the map, ask the Ss to match city and country (individually). Give them the HO. Write the answers on the WB: 1d 2e 3b 4a 5c Ask if they have visited any of these countries. After ask them to look at the map and see if there is anything surprising. Are there other cities with the same name? Tell them that in the US many cities take theis names from the UK. Sometimes the word "New" was added (for ex., New England, New Hampshire). Interestingly, New York was originaly colonised by the Dutch and was called New Amsterdam until 1664 when the Duke of York (show the picture) took the area under English rule.

While-Listening #1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Ask the Ss to listen to 3 short dialogues and match the conversations to a place: a. at a hotel b. at an airport c. at a party Feedback: show the pictures of the places and elicit. Answers on the WB: 1c, 2a, 3b.

While-Listening #2 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Ask the Ss to read the sentences before listening: Scottish, Moscow near Glasgow Paris (Texas), not French from Madrid, Mexican Play the recording again. Ask to check the answers in pairs. Check with the WC.

Post-Listening/ If Time Activity (3-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Divide the class into three groups and ask them to discuss the questions: Do you know anyone of different nationality? Where's he/she from? Where's that? Is it far from Turkey? Give the HO and open some music. Feedback: ask the Ss about their groupmates' answers. Error correction on the WB.

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