Rouholla Zareisari Rouholla Zareisari

Created capitals
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about created capitals through a reading and to prompt their ability to ask and answer the questions related to the topic, the learn' Wh question in grammar. this reading which is followed by grammar will help students master their ability to produce more in following speaking part and in real life. The lesson starts with pre-teaching some pieces of vocabulary they will face in reading and followed reading for the gist and then for the detailed information. As the lesson goes on, they learn the grammar through some controlled practice exercise and a semi-controlled speaking exercise. If there is plenty of time, students will do a freer speaking exercise.


Abc True/False, rewriting sentences, choosing the correct answer, putting the words in order, matching.

Main Aims

  • To provide inference reading practice using a text about The created capital in the context of Astana, WAshington DC
  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about The created capital in the context of Capital cities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Wh- questions in the context of T


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks Ss the names of some mega-cities they learnt in the previous lessons. T elicits their answers. T asks if all of them are capitals. T elicits the answers. T gives them examples and asks them if Istanbul is the Istanbul of Turkey or not. T asks if it was the capital and let them discuss why Ankara is /became the capital. T links the lead in to the next stage, pre-reading.

Pre-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T pre-teaches 3 words students are going to read in the reading through an active communication between himself and students and giving examples,clarification on the meaning of, concept checking, etc... . The words are 'created capital, geographical, and political'. T puts the word on the board after drilling.

Skim reading (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist information in reading task

T writes these questions on the board: 1. What is a created capital? 2. What is the name of the city? 3. What is the name of the country? T gives instructions, Ss are going to skim the text for 1 min, find the answers, Ss check in pairs, T does WC FB.

Reading for detail (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed information in the reading task

T gives instructions, Ss are going to read and answer questions in exercise 3, page 20, then check with their partners,Then T does WC FB. T gets students' attention, One Ss is asked to read the last paragraph of the reading. T asks Ss to underline the word 'also'. T asks them to find the verb, the words before and after, and then Students are asked to read the box which explains' too and also'. they are going read and rewrite the sentences, then check with their partners. T puts 3 sentences on the board and asks Ss to come and rewrite it

Post-Reading/Listening (12-14 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

As students might know wh-questions, T will try not to give too much explanations so he asks students to read the grammar box, he asks concept question to check if they know all the meaning, if so, he goes on, if not he clarifies the meaning for the TL. T writes the wh-questions on the, explains the order, emphasises the place of the verb and the subject and the answer which is not 'Yes or No'. T gives the instructions, Ss are asked to do exercise 1 on page 21. Ss do the task, Ss check their answers, T elicits the answers and then asks Ss to do exercise 4 on page 139. Ss do the task, T monitors, then does WC FB. T regroups the Ss, half of them are going to read the reading on page 126, the othe half are going to read the one on page 128. Ss ask and answer questions in exercise 1, p.21. T monitors unobtrusively and writes down some mistakes. T does WC FB. If there is plenty of time students are asked to do some freer speaking activities (page 21, speaking exercises 1 and 2). They are going to put the items in order, and then compare their lists. T gives the instruction and also gives them the model sentence to the students. Ss finish. T does WC FB.

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