Hind nouni Hind nouni

beginners level


In this lesson, sts learn about the adverbs of frequency through a guided discovery based on listening tasks about food. The lesson starts with a brainstorming activity to set the context for sts. This is followed by listening tasks in which the TL is introduced. After that, there is a clarification of the MF, and P of the adverbs of frequency by using a marker sentence taken from the listening task. Finally sts are provided by a controlled practice, where they have to produce sentences using the TL, and a freer practice to check their understanding.


Abc course book
Abc handout
Abc course book
Abc handout
Abc course book
Abc handout
Abc course book
Abc handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of adverbs of frequency in the context of food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice vocabulary for food, especially the ones that the students like.


lead in (3-5 minutes) • to set the lesson context and remind sts about food vocabulary

T writes the word ' food' on the board. T puts sts in groups of 3 or 4 and give them a blank paper. T asks sts to brainstrom T gives instructions: - in your groupe write 4 names of food you can think of. - you have 3 mins. ICQs; - how many names? 4 names - how many minutes? 3 mins T asks one st of each group to write the names of the board.

Exposure (8-13 minutes) • To provide context for the TL through listening tasks.

listening 1: (1a) T chesting HO ex 1a. T gives instructions. " we have 8 pictures of food, and here are 8 names for these pictures. Match the names with the pictures. You have 5 mins" . ICQs: - how many pictures? 8 - how many names? 8 - how many minutes? 5 mins T asks sts to check in pairs. T asks sts to write the answers on the board. T plays the recording and ask sts to listen and check the answers. listening 2: (1b) T tries to elicit TL from sts before playing the recording. T gives instructions : - 1st listening: " listen and write down the things emma and André eat" -2nd listening: " now listen again and write down how often do they eat" (often, never, sometimes..) T asks sts to check in pairs. T asks sts to write the answers on the board.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T chesting HO ex 2a T gives instructions: " we have here 4 sentences. Read them first and then listen and choose a sentence that is true of you" ICQs: -how many sentences ? 4 -what should we do? read, listen, and then pick. T asks students to share their answers with the whole class.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Clarification of the meaning: T picks a marker sentence and write it on the board. T underlines the adverbs of frequency. T clarifies their meaning using a continuum and asks sts to place them. T asks sts about the use of these adverbs of frequency. Clarification of the form: T highlights the form: sub+adv+verb( always/often/sometimes/never) or sub+ verb + adv (everyday) T shows the word order. clarification of the pronounciation; T shows the stress of the word to sts on the board T drills the word with the sts.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T projects the pictures of exercise 1a T gives instructions: - T asks sts to write 8 sentences. " with you group write 8 sentences about the food in the pictures using these adverbs" you have 5 mins ICQs: - how many sentences ? 8 - how many minutes? 5 mins T asks sts to check in pairs T asks each st to read and write two sentences on the board.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T gives sts small blank papers T asks sts to write their names on the paper and the three names of food they do/don't like to eat. T gives instructions: "write your name and three names of food you like to eat and three other names of food you don't like to eat". you have 2 mins. ICQs : - what should you write? name, names of food -how many names ? 6 total -how much time? 2mins T divides sts to As and Bs. T writes the questions they should ask on the board. "do you like ....? yes I do/ no I don,t. "how often do you eat ....? never/always/ sometimes/often. T gives instructions. -stand up -As come to my right side and Bs go to my left side As ask the questions and Bs answer ( change the role).

Free Practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T writes the word "drinks" on the board and ask sts to give her some names of drinks. T asks sts to talk in pairs about the drinks they like and how often do they drink them.

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