Collections Lesson
Elementary, A2 level

Main Aims
To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about collections in the context of jigsaw reading
Subsidiary Aims
To provide a social interactive envorinment to the students and let them use their productive skills to personalize a reading
Procedure (40-50 minutes)
- The T greets the students and tell them that they will help my scientist friend again. - The T tell them that they will read and talk about collections. - The T asks the students the meaning of the word collection.
- The T shows the students her collection of tickets and talks about each ticket. - The T asks again the meaning of collection. - The T shows some pictures of collections (if necessary) - The whole class has a discussion of collection.
- The T divides the students into 4 groups. - After dividing the class, The T instructs them to find the best title then demonstrates it. - The students read and choose the best title and they all share their ideas in their groups when they finish the task. - Finally, as a class they check the answers.
- The students are instructed that they will complete a chart. The example is demonstrated on the board. Each group should complete their own part. (The paragraphs and the charts have numbers.) - The T spreads the sheets. - After each group finishes, the T re-groups the students. - The T tells them to complete the whole chart.
- The T sticks different collection types on the board and tells the students that the scientist friend needs our help. - The T tells her favourite collection and asks students to repeat it. - After enough repitition, the T tells the students to stand up and make a half circle around the board. The T tells her favourite collection (and why) and throws the ball to someone and asks them to tell their favourite collection and why. - While the students play, the T takes notes on the board on how many students like which collections. - When the lesson finishes, the T thanks the students for the help.