sayedkhairy sayedkhairy

TP 8 Sayed Khairy(What are they doing?)
beginners level


This lesson introduces the form of the present continuous in the context of talking about clothes.I'll show them a picture and ask them to describe the picture to elicit names of some clothes. Then I'll introduce the present continuous through guided discovery . Finally, I'll ask them to say some sentences from their own in the present continuous tense and I'll ask them to talk to each other then I'll correct their mistakes on the board.


Abc Gap-fill handout/ matching / complete the sentences

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of The present continuous in the context of t

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of t


lead in (4-5 minutes) • to generate interest in the topic .

T displays apicture of some people wearing clothes to revise clothes vocab. - T divides the Ss to 3 teams naming them A, B, C and change seating arrangement into 3 circles. - T elicit many words about clothes from the students - T give the students A3 paper and markers and ask them to write as many words as they can about clothes. - T ask each group to stick their paper on the board under their groups names. ICQs: 1. How many words? many 2. Alone or in group? In group 3. How many minutes? 3

listening task (4-5 minutes) • To contextualize the target language.

T asks students to read the sentences and complete the description with the colours and clothes. T asks students to check their answers in pairs. T asks students to listen and check their answers. ICQS Alone or in group? alone How many sentences? 5 How much time? 3 m

Highlighting the target language (4-5 minutes) • To highlight the target language so that learners focus on it.

T gives students the students 6 model sentences about the present continuous. T asks students to read the sentences carefully T gives students five sentences and ask them to choose the correct answer. T gives instructions ICQs How many sentences? 5 How much time? 3 Alone or in pairs? alone

Clarifying target language (8-10 minutes) • To clarify meaning so learners understand it.To clarify the pronunciation so learners know how to say it.To clarify form so that learners know how to construct it.

T asks students to read the model sentences and choose the correct answer about the meaning of the present continuous. T asks students to complete the form to focus on the form of the present continuous. T clarifies the pronunciation so they know how to say it. T gives instructions. ICQs Alone or in pairs? alone How many forms? 3 How much time? 3

language practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide controlled focused on using the language accurately.

T chests handout T asks students to complete the chart. T asks students to write the -ing form. T asks students complete the sentences with 'm/ is/ are T gives instructions ICQs Alone or in pairs? How much time? 2 How many sentences? 4

language practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide freer oral practice and use the language productively.

T asks students to write six sentences in the present continuous 2 positive, two negative and two questions. T asks students to practise in pairs. T correct their mistakes. T elicits three sentences from the students to drill. T gives instructions ICQs How many sentences?6 How much time?4m Alone or in pairs? alone How many positive sentences? 2 How many positive sentences? 2 How many positive sentences? 2

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