Ayman Mosully Ayman Mosully

Nigel on Holiday
A1 level


In this lesson, students will learn how to talk about their holiday and other's holiday at the moment by using present continuous through listening. The lesson starts with teacher's story then he will provide students with listening talking about "Nigel on Holiday" that student will listen and answer the questions. Finally, students will do a freer practice that they will practice the present continuous and speaking skills.


Main Aims

  • To practice listening for gist and for details

Subsidiary Aims

  • To revise and practice present continuous tense about holiday


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows some different pictures about different types of holidays. T tells Ss about his favorite holiday type and tells them about the possible different activities usually he does. Then, T asks Ss to talk in pairs about their different types of holiday and the activities they use.

prediction task (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T shows a picture of "Nigel on Holiday" and asks Ss to talk in pairs and try to guess the answer of these two questions in 3 minutes: who is talking to? where are they? ICQ: * How many questions? 2 * How many minutes? 3 * Are you going to work alone or with a friend? with a friend.

Listening for details (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

T gives Ss HOs which contain 7 questions. T asks Ss to listen and do the task individually in 4 minutes then they will check their answers in pairs. ICQs: * How many minutes? 7 * Are you going to work alone or with a partner? individually * how much time? 4

While-Listening (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

T gives Ss HOs which contain of 5 questions. Ss listen to the audio then they have to use the verb in correct way. T will do a demo for Ss. The task will be in 4 minutes. T asks Ss to do the task individually then in pairs. ICQs: * How many questions? 5 * How many minutes? 4 * Are you going to work alone or with a partner? alone. T checks answers and asks Ss to write their correct answer on WB.

Grammar practice (3-5 minutes)

T gives Ss HO from the book p.99 and asks Ss to do ex4. Ss will listen to the audio again and then do the exercise individually for 3 minutes after that Ss check their answers in pairs. ICQs: * How many minutes? 3 * how many questions? 7 * Are you going to work alone or with a friend? Alone. T checks answers with Ss

Post-Listening (6-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T clarifies the difference between simple present and present continuous then T asks Ss to do ex5 individually then check their answers in pairs in 5 minutes. ICQs: * How many questions? 6 * How many minutes? 5 * Are you going to work alone or with a partner? alone. T checks answers and asks Ss to write their correct answer on WB.

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