Souhayel Weslety Souhayel Weslety

Elementary level


In this lesson, ss will practise functional language in the context of making predictions using 'be going to'.


Abc PDF version of fortune telling cards
Abc Yellow sticky notes
Abc Fortune telling pictures
Abc W/B
Abc Jumbled word cards
Abc Writing paper (Facebook post)
Abc Writing model
Abc Form word file
Abc Writing rules flipchart
Abc Blue tuck

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, ss will have practised functional language of making predictions using 'Be going to' in the context of fortune telling.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise guided writing in the context of summer activities and tourism in Tunisia.


Warmer (4-5 minutes) • To generate ss's interest in the context of TL

1. Project the cards on the SWB. 2. ‘I’ve hidden round the room notes about of these pictures here. Find the golden notes and stick them on the correct picture.’ 3. Demo: [look around a little bit] ‘I found this one here. It says “to fall in love”.’ ‘Where do you think I should stick it?’ (where the heart) 4. ICQ: ‘Where are the notes?’ (in the classroom/hidden) ‘When you find them, where do you stick them?’ (the board/pictures) 5. ‘Now, find the golden notes!’ 6. Monitor so that ss don’t spend too much time searching and help when needed.

Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To provide a context for TL

1. ‘Who usually uses similar cards?’ 2. Elicit ‘fortune teller’ Project a picture of a fortune teller. 3. ‘What’s the sentence she can say? You …?’ Elicit ‘You’re going to be famous’ or any other example ss come up with. 4. Drill

Language clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify meaning, form and pronunciation of TL

1. Draw a timeline on the board. (See boardwork plan) 2. Concept Qs: ‘Is she (the fortune teller) talking about the past, present, or the future?’ (future) ‘Is she stating/saying facts/realities?’ (no) ‘Will what she says happen in the future?’ (maybe) ‘How did she know?’ (cards) ‘So she’s making a ..?’ elicit prediction. ‘How does she make such predictions?’ (cards/using cards) 3. Drill, backward chain. 4. ‘What else can she say?’ Elicit other examples. Drill again. 5. Write one example on the board. 6. Ask ss: ‘How do we make the sentence?’ Elicit the form. 7. Ask ss to copy boardwork record. 8. Elicit and highlight key pronunciation features: ‘Where’s the strong part in the sentence?’ 9. Give out the function of ‘Be going to’: to make predictions Concept Qs: ‘Is she talking about the future?’ (yes) ‘Will what she says happen?’ (maybe) ‘Is she sure?’ (no) 10. Give ss time to copy boardwork record.

Controlled practice (5-6 minutes) • To further check ss's understanding of meaning, form and pronunciation of TL

1. Demo the activity very carefully: Ask my fellow CELTA trainees to join me. Ask them to hold the word cards of the first sentence, jumbled. Ask ss ‘Does it look right?’ (no) Tell ss ‘You have to put them in the correct order.’ ICQ ‘ Tell ss ‘Let’s do the first one together.’ Order the first sentence and see if they help me through. Re-demo if necessary with the second sentence, too. 2. Choose 3-4 ss to order the next sentence. 3. Swap ss with each example. 4. Provide immediate feedback if needed. 5. Ask if there are any Qs.

Freer practice (15-20 minutes) • To provide students with written free practice of the target language

1. ‘You’ll now write a short paragraph inviting people from around the world to come and spend their summer holiday in a city in Tunisia. However, This will be individual work. ICQ: ‘Are you going to work in groups?’ (no) 2. ‘Take one minute to choose one city you’ll write about’. Meanwhile, hang the ‘rules’ on the board. 3. Ask ss ‘What activities are you writing about to attract tourists?’ ‘How about the ones you did with Riadh in the first lesson?’ ‘How are you going to talk about how Tunisia will make them feel?’ (yes) ‘Can you consider the adjectives you learnt with Nada in the second lesson?’ ‘Which tense are you using?’ (Be going to) 4. Provide ss with a model they can follow. 5. If time allows, let ss plan their paragraphs in groups. 6. Recheck whether they’ll work individually. ICQ: ‘Are you going to work in pairs?’ (no/alone) 7. ‘In real, everyday life, do you write letters to people in France, Italy, Britain to invite them?’ (no) ‘So, how can you reach/communicate with these people?’ (facebook) Give out the writing paper. 8. ‘Take 10/15 minutes to prepare your facebook posts’ 9. Play some background music so ss wouldn’t feel as exposed perhaps. 10. Monitor and offer help if needed. 11. Content and language feedback.

Wrap up (1-2 minutes) • To bring the lesson to a close

1. Ask ss if they have any Qs. 2. Remind them of lesson aims. 3. Thank ss for participating.

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