Khadija El Mahrsi Khadija El Mahrsi

Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practise reading and writing in the context of short stories.


Abc Detailed reading handouts
Abc Stories' handouts
Abc Vocabulary presentation
Abc Gist question handouts
Abc Lead-in presentation
Abc Writing prompts
Abc Writing demo presentation

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, Ss will have practised reading for gist and detailed information in the context of short stories.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice controlled writing


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show Ss pictures of different known short stories or fables. Ask them what they see -> Stories. Are they long or short? -> Short. Do you like reading stories? Do you find them interesting?

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text (and the writing activity later)

Pre-teach the following words and drill them as you go: comb: show a picture. present: show a picture. watch chain: show a picture. moral: elicit. Sometimes when you read a story, there's a message you understand at the end. Do you know what it's called? -> Moral. If Ss don't know, supply the word. Do stories always have a moral? -> No. wedding anniversary: Give a date as a example. If someone got married on this date... *now write the same date but a year later* what can they celebrate on this date? -> Wedding anniversary. If Ss don't know, supply the vocab. Write the same date but with another year. What about Do people get married on their wedding anniversary? -> No. Do they have to celebrate it? -> No. Do they celebrate it every year? -> Usually/generally.

While-Reading #1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading task

Ss will be divided into 2 groups. Each group will be given half the story. Ss will be asked to read the text quickly and answer a question about their part of the story. T does o/c feedback.

While-Reading #2 (6-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading

Ss will be asked to read the text more carefully and try to remember as much as they can because they're going to tell the other group their part of the story. They will have to answer some questions about the part they read. One student from each group will be chosen as the storyteller. This S will go to the other group and tell them his/her group's part of the story. The group then tries to answer the questions they're missing. T does o/c feedback. Ss have to choose the moral of the story among three possibilities.

Writing task (12-17 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to produce their own stories

Each group of Ss gets a number of words (verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc.) as prompts. They can use these words to create stories. The prompts for each group are different. T demonstrates the activity by showing Ss an example. Ss will write their stories on A3 papers and stick their stories to the wall/board. After reading each other's stories, Ss will decide which story they like more.

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