Lesson 7
Beginner A1 level
Main Aims
Grammar: to cover meaning, form, pronunciation and to practice 'be going to' in the context of future plans
Subsidiary Aims
Reading for gist and specific information and speaking practice for fluency and accuracy
Procedure (33-45 minutes)
-T post sheets with questions and pictures around the room -T tells Ss to go around in pairs and discuss each of them
-T tells students to read alone quickly/quietly, gives 2 minute time limit -T checks with ICQs -T gives Ss HO -Ss pair check, the T checks on OHP quickly -T tells Ss they will read again slowly/quietly and do 2 alone, then pair check -T first demonstrates on OHP that the first answer is Carmen and underlines sentence -T goes through answers with Ss afer peer check
-T tells Ss turnover sheet fold at meaning, work through in pairs -T does check on OHP -Ss work through form in pairs, teach does check, does timeline if needed -T writes and asks where the stress is, models and drills pronunciation I’m going-to travel around the UK. /tə/ I’m not going-to start university this year. /tə/
-T gets students to change pairs or form groups depending on class size -T gives students exercise 1, work together in 4 groups/pairs -T tells SS to use guided discovery for help, only do 1-2 if time is short -Project on OHP and get each group to come up and put in answers -T does deeper FB with class t
-On WB talk about the next year (August 2017-August 2018) -T writes “What are you going to do for the next year?” on WB and nominates one Ss to ask him this question -T gives personal examples: -I’m going to go to Spain next month for a wedding -I’m going to start working at Sehir university in September -I’m going to learn Turkish -I’m not going to go back to New Zealand -T gives HO and Ss write their own 4 things -If Ss need ideas T writes move house, new job, take class, buy something, etc on WB -Next Ss can go around and ask each other, writing down answers -Finally if extra time tell each other about another person -T circulates and writes down common errors, focus on grammar -T then does delayed FB on whiteboard