Nazia Nazia

Dream Homes
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students practice receptive skill ‘Reading’ based on a reading text about the dream homes. The lesson starts with skim reading (students find the gist of the topic) followed by scan reading (students tick the information which is mentioned in the text). Finally, students proceed to the detailed reading and search two examples of each modal of obligation, permission and prohibition. At the end, student learn about grammatical system of obligation, permission and prohibition.


Abc Text
Abc Match the gist
Abc True and False HO
Abc Find Modals of obligation, permission and prohibition
Abc HO
Abc HO to match the information
Abc Reading text
Abc board and markers
Abc piece of papers

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about Dream Homes in the context of Alternative lifestyles

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of modals of obligation, permission and prohibition in the context of Dream Homes


Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • Reading for Gist to set lesson context and engage students

Students will be given the text and three option to match the gist to the text. FB will be via class discussion.

While reading (5-8 minutes) • Reading for scanning to prepare students for detailed reading

Students will read the text again and this time they will look for some specific detail. They will be given a set of statements and they have to tick the statements which are mentioned in the text. FB: Students will find the answer key on the door / board. Students will have to walk and see the answers.

While-Reading (15-20 minutes) • Reading for Details to provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading

In reading for details activity students will search two examples of each category of models of obligation, permission and prohibition and this information will be a link to the next activity of systems. FB: Teacher will ask the rational of Ss answer from the WC

Post-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Grammar: 1- Draw a table on the board with three columns. 2- The headings of each columns will be 'obligation / permission / prohibition. 3- The information students collected in the detailed reading will be categorized under the above given modals. (elicit manner) Production stage: 1- Ss will write one for each category (obligation / permission / prohibition) about their residential area and share with their fellow students.

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