Humam Alfares Humam Alfares

TP 4
B1 level


In this lesson, students will study -ed and -ing adjectives in the context of an introductory text about Jane who has being doing the same job for along time. The students will identify the MFP and function of these vocabulary and will go through controlled and free practice stages.


Abc SB, NE inter.
Abc tapescipt, TsB
Abc WB, NE intermediate
Abc pictures of different situations

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of -ed and -ing adjectives in the context of an introductory text about a peson being bored doing the same job for a long time

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of daily life


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To generate interest in the theme of the lesson

T divide the class into two groups. T tells ss that one group are going live with internet and the other group are going to live without internet. ss discuss how life is going to be and express their emotions. one person from each group will give the feedback about his group. FB: SS ideas

First test (4-5 minutes) • to test learner's currrent knowledge

T runs tests ex. 4a + b, pg 26, WB. Teacher monitors the class taking notes about the ss mistakes.

Teach (7-8 minutes) • To clarify meaning so learners know how to understand it.

The teacher will go through the following guided questions to elicit the meaning. The film was boring. Which word does boring refer to? Is the film receiving the feeling or causing the feeling? What does boring end with? The audience were bored. Which word does bored refer to? Are the audience receiving the feeling or causing the feeling? What does boring end with? FB: SS

Teach (4-5 minutes) • To clarify form so learners know how to construct it better.

T will show ss different examples where the language is used and lead the ss elicit the position of these adjectives in the sentence. ( in front of a noun, after verbs (be, become, feel), in the comparative and superlative) FB: SS

Teach (4-5 minutes) • To clarify pronunciation so learners know how to say it better.

T writes/shows the word "bored" and "boring" on the WB, model the pronunciation, drill, and elicit the stress. T writes/shows two examples (The film is exciting, The film is excited) and ask the students to say them. T elicit the different pronunciations of -ed. FB: T-SS

test (7-8 minutes) • To provide controlled written practice focused on using the language accuracy

T runs test ex.4b, pg 36, SB check in pairs. SS listen and check the stressed syllables in the adjectives (audio 2.38, pg 36, SB). FB: SS-listening

test (4-5 minutes) • To provide controlled semi oral practice

SS do ex.4d., 36, sb. In pairs, ss ask and answer the questions and ask for more information. T monitors the class for any mistakes. FB:SS

Test (4-5 minutes) • To provide freer oral practice and use the language productively.

T will stick some photos of different situations on the walls an ask the ss to move around the class and talk about their feelings the first time they saw the photo. SS compare different first impressions. T monitors the class FB: WC

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