Simon Stephenson Simon Stephenson

Lesson 4
Pre-Intermediate level


This is a reading lesson where students will read an interview from fashion designer Lindka Cierach after a brief lead in exercise. The main focus of the lesson will be on the receptive task of reading, with a smaller focus on the productive task of speaking, and also a small focus on vocabulary.


Abc Debate Group Sheets
Abc Word Match Cut-outs
Abc Reading and Exercises
Abc Picture representing Dyslexia
Abc Powerpoint OHP slides
Abc True or False Exercise

Main Aims

  • To provide Ss with a practice in reading for gist, specific information and detail, and to practice deducing meaning through the context of a fashion interview.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking and Vocabulary


Lead In (3-5 minutes) • To get students to start thinking/talking about fashion

-show a few pictures of fashion models on the OHP, ask who can guess what we are going to talk about today -show the word "fashion" on the OHP and ask students to say anything they can think of related to fashion -Project the following on the OHP and ask Ss to discuss: Write down the names of three fashion designers. What nationality are they? Do they design for men or for women? What kind of things does their company make?

Pre-Teaching Words (2-3 minutes) • To familiarize Ss with the meanings of several words which will appear in the reading

-T will elicit the following words from the Ss using techniques outlined in the language analysis sheet: exclusive, celebrity, royal, bridegroom, dyslexia, course -T will ask CCQs for each word to check meaning (also see language sheet)

Pre-Reading (3-4 minutes) • Gist reading of the text for general understanding of content

-T gives Ss handout and tells them to pay attention to who the fashion designer makes clothes for -T gives Ss 1 minute to quickly read -Ss write who the fashion designer makes clothes for on the back of their sheets -Peer check then whole class check

During Reading (20-25 minutes) • To get students to practice closer reading for understanding reading for meaning inference

-Ss read again more carefully and fill in the blanks with the appropriate letter from exercise C on their worksheets (as pairs) -when one pair get it right tell them to go around the class and check everyone else's work -T does quick check T Rearranges Class seating -Ss complete True or False exercise -Pair check, T writes answers on WB, elicits from students why some answers are false -T distributes cutouts of highlighted words and definitions -in pairs see if Ss can guess the meanings of the highlighted sentences -Ss go and look at others answers to see if they are the same -T shows answer key on OHP

Post Reading (5-8 minutes) • For Ss to practice their speaking in the context of the lesson

-Optional (if time, if not skip): ask your partner: is fashion important to you? Why, why not? - Make 4 teams, give teams coloured paper saying “Fashion is/isn't important” -Debate: is fashion important?, give a few minutes to come up with a list of ideas about why it is or isn’t important, write on the back of the sheet -Is teams debate isn't teams

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