uysal uysal

Present Simple Tense
Elementary level


In this lesson the students will learn Simple Present Tense by using he, she, it personal pronouns. The lesson starts with reading an underlined text, followed by doing activities about the function of Present Simple Tense, and also doing other practices with the endings -s. Finally there are some controlled practices through covering and completing sentences.


Abc Gap fill handouts, Reading Text,Pictures

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have worked making sentences using verb-s in Simple Present Tense. Learning Simple Present tense -s form with personal pronouns and also their negative form. They will gain how to pronounce using -s with third person forms.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Have clarified M,F and done pronunciation drills. Being able to use the third person form in affirmative and negative sentences efficiently. Learning how to use pronunciation /s/,/ız/,/z/. with the third person forms.


Lead-in- to create raise interest and create context (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students work in pairs.

T comes with a tea with milk and asks the ss. what it is in my hand? T starts with the conversation by telling one of her most favourite thing. T asks ss. these questions: -What is your typically British thing? -Can you tell us? T tells the ss. discuss about briefly about the typical things in pairs. T asks a member of each pair to tell of their favourite and typical thing.

Presentation (10-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Tell the Ss have 5 mins. to read the highlighted handout and do the True /False activity individually. ICQ Are you going to read with your partner? - No Do you have 5 mins.? - Yes Tell Ss peer check and then write the answers on the board. Check and correct if necessary. Tell Ss to take the handout again and look at the underlined verbs. Give them a handout and ask; -Why do the verbs in paragraph 4 end in -s? T elicit the answers and writes them on the board and explains the third person forms. She puts a pizza. Tell Ss to work in pair in activity 2 in 3 mins. and write the answers on the board. Tell Ss to find three negative (-) verbs and write them on the board. T. explain the difference between don't and doesn't. T. writes the sentences on the board and pronounce the sentences and explains usage of verb-s /s/,/z/,/ız/ T. wants Ss repeat these sentences, summarize the the form on the board and mention the function of Simple Present Tense.

Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T explains the task and instructs Ss and tell them to do part A individually in 5 mins. Then get them to check with their peers and write the answers on the board. ICQ -Are you going to work with your partner?-No -Do you have 5 mins.?-Yes T monitors the Ss. Ss shares the answers to the whole class.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To develop fluency with the target language

T gives information about Steve and his brother Simon. T explains Ss they are going to write what Simon and Steve do in pairs. Allow enough time to prepare and then hang the papers on the board. ICQ Are you talking about the brothers? -No Ss go and read each other's answer and compare with their own answers. Conduct FB as WC.

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