Mariam Khalaf Mariam Khalaf

Speaking lesson
Pre-Intermediate level


in this lesson, students will be introduced to vocabulary related TV. Students will also practice their speaking using vocabulary they learned.


Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a The students will be having conversations with each other and asking each other questions. in the context of TV equipment, TV programmes, TV verbs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of TV related words in the context of TV programmes, TV verbs, TV equipments


Lead in (3-5 minutes) • Warm ss up and give them an Idea what the class will be about

The tt will tell the ss they have 3 minutes to talk to their partners and ask them "how many hours do you spend on TV every day?" ICQ: Do you work in pairs or alone? in pairs How many minutes do you have? The teacher will ask one from each pair to talk about their partners.

Vocanbulary (10-12 minutes) • Introduce the students to the Vacabulary

The tt will show the students three different pictures and try to elicit if the students know is the right word for it. The tt will then give the students a handout with different words all related to TV. and ask if they know any of the meanings. Then the T will clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of some words. 1. Soap opera (n. (C), plural = (soap operas) - /ˈsəʊp ˌɒp.ər.ə/ - invented stories about the lives of a group of people living in one area. They are usually on TV three or four times a week. 2. Turn over (v. phrasal verb - /ˈtɜːnˌəʊ.vər/ - when you want to watch a different channel Example: If you don’t like this film, you can always turn over. 3. Addict (n. (C), plural = (addicts) - /ˈæd.ɪkt/ - a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something harmful. 4. Documentary (n. (C), plural= (documentaries) - /ˌdɒk.jəˈmen.tər.i/ - give information and facts about real situations or people. 5. phrasal verb (n. (C), plural= (phrasal verbs) - /ˌfreɪ.zəl ˈvɜːb/ - a phrase that consists of a verb with a preposition or adverb or both, the meaning of which is different from the meaning of its separate parts. Examples: work out, turn on, and turn out, turn off, slow down…etc.

FB (3-5 minutes) • To check if students understood the meaning of the vocabulary

students will be working in groups have a look at the words and divide the vocabulary into 3 groups (exercise 1 (a)) for 3 minutes The teacher will have the board divided into groups for students to stick the words there. TV equipment, TV programmes, TV verbs

Semi- controlled practice (5-8 minutes) • to practice their speaking.

Students will work in pairs and answer the questions in exercise 2 from face2face Pre-intermediate students book p. 32 They have to use the terminology explained and used in exercise 1. ICQ- do you work in pairs? ICQ- Do you use the vocabulary from the previous exercise?

Mingling activity (8-10 minutes) • To check if students are able to use the vocabulary in their speaking

students have 2 minutes to answer the table from( face2face Pre-intermediate students book p. 32) about themselves. then students have 5-7 minutes to go around the class and ask their peers. Then the teacher will check if any of the students found any interesting information.

Freer activity (5-7 minutes) • Students talk about themselves

Ss work individually for 2 minutes to talk think about their favorite TV programmes and why do they like them. The teacher will nominate a few of the talk to the rest of the class about themselves.

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