Present Perfect Lesson
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn present perfect tense through a reading passage about Todd Philips, one of most important Star Wars fan. The lesson starts with reading the text to show the language in the context. This is followed by clarifying and practicing the present perfect tense. Finally, the lesson finishes with a speaking activity with using the game 'Find someone who'


Abc Reading text about Todd Philips
Abc adhesive pads
Abc 'Find someone who ' game handout
Abc Grammar practise handout
Abc Paper for parts of the Star Wars film
Abc Past participle Verb list
Abc Powerpoint presentation
Abc Reading text about Todd Philips

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the present perfect tense in the context of experiences and a reading about Star Wars

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about being a fan of a film in the context of Star Wars


Warmer/Lead-in (3-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the reading task.

T points a picture of movie symbol. 'What is it?' 'What are these?' 'Where do we see these creatures?' 'These are the ........ of a movie.' 'Do you know any movie with these characters' 'Have you seen any of Star Wars films?' 'What do you know about it?' The lesson starts with eliciting the idea of a film. Each film has some information about it like actors. T opens the page about it in PPT and gives them some cuttings about the answers to brainstorm the idea. They discuss this in one minute with pairs and come and stick it on the board. T ask CCQ question about the parts of a film and pushes them to find the word fan.

Exposure (11-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows a picture of a fan and a picture of Star Wars Fans. In this way, they are getting closer to the topic and have a chance to show the same written words can have a different meaning. T shows the reading handouts and ask these questions. Now you will read a text and find answers to these questions. You have 3 minutes for gist reading. 'Who is he? Give the names of two actors. This time students will read the text to find specific details, to find four things that tell you he is a big fan in 4 minutes and share their answers with their group The teacher elicits few other words by using the pictures. This time the teacher shows the picture of Todd Philips. In this way, she gives them a reason to read. The also writes the name of the title to make them wonder more about the text. T shows the reading handouts and ask these questions. Now you will read a text and find answers to these questions. You have 3 minutes for gist reading. 'Who is he? Give the names of two actors. This time students will read the text to find specific details, to find four things that tell you he is a big fan in 4 minutes and shares their answers with their group. T shows the reading handouts and ask these questions. Now you will read a text and find answers to these questions. You have 3 minutes for gist reading. 'Who is he? Give the names of two actors. This time students will read the text to find specific details, to find four things that tell you he is a big fan in 4 minutes and share their answers with their group

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T gives the handouts to check their comprehension. T asks them to find the words in the form of Past Simple and Present Perfect.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Firstly, t presents the form of Present Perfect in two slides and ask some CCQ about these slides. And the meaning is presented in one slide and it is also supported with charts. T gives them a chart about the V3 version of the verbs and right after that.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T gives a handout to practice present perfect in a controlled way. The page is shown on the slide and answers given by the students. Before the students check their answers in pairs.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

For a post-reading activity, t gives them a paper about a game and want them to produce sentences about their experiences. They are going to play find someone who... T monitors their conversation and helps when they need. T collects some feedbacks about the game. For example, Ravza: 'Have you found someone who has written a letter to a newspaper?

Free Practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The students discuss their experiences in pairs.

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