Mahdiyyah Mohamed Mahdiyyah Mohamed

Around Town - Listening (Nouns)
Beginner level


This lesson is structured around the vocabulary of nouns and two verb forms of 'be' (i.e. "is" and "are"), and the manner in which these two verbs interact with the usage of the adverb 'There' within a sentence.


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Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice using a recording and text about the use of the auxiliary verb 'be' (namely, 'is' and 'are') with the adverb 'there' in the context of 'Around Town'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide listening practice, vocabulary building and distinctions about the use of the auxiliary verb 'be' (namely, 'is' and 'are') with the adverb 'there' in its singular and plural form in the context of 'Around Town'


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(1) Pair students (Use hand gestures to indicate who should go with whom) (2) Provide context of lesson (show students the handout with a picture on it and elicit a response from them regarding what they think they need to do with it) (3) Affirm that they need to match the vocabulary list with the picture. (4) Allow them 2 minutes pair work and then elicit answers from them individually by going around the 'horse shoe' setup and pointing to a particular student for an answer

Pre-Listening (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

(1) Make use of WHITEBOARD: Draw two columns labelled A and B, demonstrate what is required by pointing to ears and saying "Listen" and point to recorder (2) Then point to whiteboard and say "Write correct or wrong" and then draw under column A a tick (symbol) and column B a cross (symbol). (3) Before playing recording elicit from them what they think they are expected to do, if they are correct play recording the first time

While Listening #1 and #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

(1) After the first listening, pair students by demonstrating with hands who is to partner with whom and let them discuss what they heard. (2) Elicit from individuals from one side of the 'horse-shoe' seating the correct answer, if there is disagreement, play the recording again and then elicit their answer as a class

Post Listening Exercise (10-12 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

(1) Indicate which exercise I want them to do by pointing to exercise 3 on the handout, then elicit answers for the first two examples provided, then do the third example with them and elicit answer. If they are still uncertain, do the 4th example as well, and then allow them to complete the task individually first before partnering with the person next to them to check, then as a class elicit answers from them (2) Make sure to record answers on the whiteboard as you go along, by writing the correctly lettered question (eg. a - correct, b - incorrect) with its corresponding answer. This will ensure weaker students get a chance to see where they went wrong or can catch up.

Speaking for Fluency (7-10 minutes) • For students to practice what they learnt while listening and in the exercise with a focus on pronunciation and correct grammar

(1) Point to grammar box, and elicit what they think it means (2) Elicit two more examples of their own by having them look at the picture and make their own sentence such as "There are two dogs in the square", also have these sentences allocated into two columns on the board (i.e. singular and plural forms of sentences) and let students go up to the board and write it out themselves (will allow for teacher-checking of correct collocations and spelling) thus ensuring concept-checking as well.

Concluding Task/ Concept check of overall Lesson (7-10 minutes) • To concept check further and to allow students to practice the content.

(1) Indicate to students which exercise to focus on by gesturing to exercise 4 on the new handout (2) Ask them to correct the wrong sentences from exercise 3, by writing out their answers on their new handout. (3) Let them work as pairs, and then group elicit answers starting from one-side of the room. If low on time, only elicit answers individually rather than again as a group. (4) Once answers are correct, drill with them pronunciation of sentences, first as a class and then individually from one side of the class. If low on time, drilling can also be done on an individual level rather than a group level. (5) Let students listen to me say the sentence two or three times before they repeat the sentences and focus the drilling on contractions of sentences, such as "There's a hotel" and not "There is a hotel". (6) Conclude lesson and thank students for attention.

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