Humam Alfares Humam Alfares

TP 2
Intermediate level


In this lesson, ss will review and practise the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous in the context of changing life. They will then raise awareness of sentence stress for accuracy and go through a language practice to provide a controlled written practice followed by a freer oral practice.


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Main Aims

  • To review and provide practice of the present perfect simple and the preset perfect continuos in the context of changing life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To raise ss's awareness of sentence stress.


Warmer (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T writes “Adelante Africa” on the WB and elicit the meaning from ss. T asks ss “ Who admires Jane?” T asks one of the ss who admires Jane to stand in front of the class to be interviewed by other ss as being Jane. T writes “How long ……..?” on the WB and tells ss that they have to start their questions by how long. Ss have one minute to ask their questions. FB: WC Note: PPT is alternative to WB writing.

Highlightening TL (3-4 minutes) • To highlight TL so that learners are focused on it.

T puts the questions in ex. 2a (SB, p19) on the walls- asks ss to talk together in groups of 4 and decide what the answers are. Gets some ideas then writes the answers as given ABC on WB (but only if they did not get the correct answers previously). Note: NO Grammar to be mentioned here. FB: WC Note: PPT is alternative to WB writing.

Reading for specific information (3-4 minutes) • To cotextualise and introduce the TL.

T handouts tapescript 1.46 (Teachers book pg 35) and asks ss to focus on the different times, getting them to underline the different tenses. As FB get ss to give you some examples- Write only examples of your TL on the WB and now get the ss to tell you the names of the TL. Note: PPT is alternative to WB writing.

Clarifying TL - Meaning (3-4 minutes) • To clarify meaning so learners know how to understand it.

Show the questions in b1 (student book page 19) on a slide and get ss in pairs to discuss the answers- make sure to clarify the meaning her-timeline. FB: WC

Clarifying TL - Form (4-5 minutes) • to clarify the form so that learners know how to construct it.

T asks ss to do ex. b2 (SB p.19) in pairs. SS elicit TL from sentence examples. Ss construct the form. T writes it on the board/use PPT. FB: WC

Clarifying TL - Pronunciation -pre-teaching (2-3 minutes) • To remind ss of the types of words that are stressed in the sentence

T writes "I've LIVED in the CITY CENTRE for TEN YEARS." on the WB. T Elicits that the words that are written in capital letters are those which are more strongly stressed because they carry the important information. FB: WC Note: PPT is alternative to WB writing.

Clarifying TL - Pronunciation-stressed words (1-2 minutes) • To elicit the stressed words in the sentence

T gets ss do ex. 3a (SB p19).T tells ss that they are going to listen to three present perfect continuous questions and three answers. The first time they listen they should write down the stressed words they hear in the rectangles. play the audio (1.49), pausing after each sentence to give ss time to write. FB:WC Note: Answers can be shown on a PPT for final check.

Clarifying TL - Pronunciation- unstressed words (2-3 minutes) • To elicit the unstressed words in the sentence

T gets ss do ex.3b (SB 19). SS look at the stressed words and try in pairs to remember what the unstressed words are. Ss listen to audio (1.49) to check and write them down. FB: WC Note: PPT can show the answers for final check.

Clarifying TL - Pronunciation- drilling (1-2 minutes) • To copy and drill the rhythm of sentence stress

T gets ss do ex.3c (SB, p19). Ss listen to audio 1.49, repeat the sentences, and copy the rhythm. FB: WC

Clarifying TL - Pronunciation-practise sentence stress (2-3 minutes) • To provide controlled oral practice

T gets ss do ex.3d. (SB, p19). Play the audio (1.50) pausing after each sentence for Ss to listen and form the questions. Then repeat the activity eliciting the questions from individual ss. FB: WC - individually

Language practice- speaking - setting up the task (2-3 minutes) • To set up the task by warming necessary vocabulary.

T shortens the circles in ex.4a (SB 19) into five circles and gets Ss write one thing in each circle. No FB at the moment.

language practice- Speaking - Task (2-3 minutes) • To provide freer oral practice and use the language productively.

T gets ss do ex. 4b (SB p19). T models the task, and in pairs ss ask and answer about their circles. T moves around the class while doing the activity taking notes of mistakes for DEC.

language practice- Speaking - FB (1-2 minutes) • To get DEC

T tells ss that he is going to read some correct and incorrect sentences using his notes from the previous activity. If it is correct, the students cheer. If it needs to be corrected, students will boo and correct the sentence.

Language practice- controlled written practice (2-3 minutes) • To provide controlled written practice

T gets ss do the first 3-5 sentences in exercises a and b, Grammar Bank, SB P135 and gets immediate FB. FB: WC

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