wala abdelali wala abdelali


Abc Text

Main Aims

  • To write a short paragraph about their homes using the new language they have learnt .

Subsidiary Aims

  • To speak about their homes and ask about other people's homes .


Lead in (5 minutes) • To activate Ss' existing knowledge of the topic

The T will show a set of pictures (a flat,a house,village,cottage,city centre ,town,duplex,castle,villa) to elicit the names of different places and houses . Then teh teacher would ask the Ss "what kind of houses do they live in?" ,a small whole-class discussion will occur to creat interest in talking about their homes .

Preparing to write (10 minutes) • to skim for gist and scan for details.

T will give a short text about a person talking about his house in Madrid,Spain and he wants to do a housewap. Ss would read the text in 1 min and the T will ask a question for gist "Is the person in this house happy?" "yes" .Then ,the T will give them another minute to read for details and they will answer questions about the place of the house and about the kind of homes it is .

Useful language (10 minutes) • To clarify language chich leaners would find useful for comlpleting the writing task

One of the student will read the text out loud so the T would direct Ss' attention to the punctuation and form of the text . The T then write 3 different forms of punctuation on the board and elicit their names from the students . ( "." full stop , "," comma , "C" capital lettre) Later ,the T will write the skeleton of the text on the board so the students can follow it in the writing stage .

Writing task (10 minutes) • Students will practice writing about their homes in the context of houseswap .

Ss will write a short paragraph about their homes ,like the text they read, as a kind of advertisement for a house swap. At this point , with the teacher's monitoring,Ss need to be careful about the form of their paragraph and pay attention to punctuation . After finishing , Ss will check their writings in pairs for two minutes . Then they will hang their writings on the wall and they will go around the class reading about each other's houses to eventually choose one to do a house swap with .

Feedback/ error correction on written task (10 minutes) • To provide content feedback on result of the task

Ss will read the new texts that they chose to do the houseswap and tehre will whole class feedback . The teacher will correct any reoccuring mistakes concerning punctuation ,structure or grammar .

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