Aysu Cogur Aysu Cogur

Daily routines / -WH questions: How many....?
Elementary, A1/A2 level


In this lesson SS learn about daily routines. They also find out more about each other and the similarities in the things they do such as work/study and daily routines.


Abc Survey HO's
Abc Face2Face: Elementary Student's book
Abc Stage 3 Feedback
Abc 3A World Routines Puzzle HO's
Abc Green Clock for Activity 'What do you do at this time?'
Abc Face2Face: Elementary Teacher's book

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, SS will better understand daily routine /habits and will be able to ask questions such as "What time do you go to bed?" "When do you get up at the weekend?".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary forms including "go to bed early, get up late, have breakfast, work and study" in the context of daily routines.


Warmer/Lead-in: Is this AM or PM? (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students whilst having fun

(Might put name tags if I still can't remember some names) 'Hi everyone, before we begin our lesson we're going to play a little game...' - Demonstrate the meanings of A.M. and P.M.: (maybe they've learnt it already so mention that 'lets have a look again at...') write it on the board: *A.M.: Before Midday *P.M.: Past Midday "So what time is it now?? it's 11.15" "AM or PM?" - Divide the group in 2: Awesome and Fantastic - Choose one person from each group and give him/her a WB marker. * Write 2 columns on the WO and write AM or PM. * Activity instructions: "I will show you some things that we do everyday and you will have to guess if it's morning:AM or afternoon:PM. Whichever group guesses it first, the chosen person will rush to the board and put a mark/line under AM or PM. Lets begin!" - 1st movement: Waking up, yawning (AM) - 2nd movement: "I'm late to work!" physically showing that I'm rushing into a car (AM) - 3rd movement: Look at wrist and say "Hrmm, home time already, I'm finished for the day!" (PM) -4th movement: Yawn, "ahhh tired" then close eyes. (PM)

Exposure to daily routine questions through a survey leading in to Ex. 10 & 11 of Face2face Elementary SB (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

- Before giving HO's, give instructions to students that the HO's I will give out are about their daily routines. It's a Survey. - Show them one of the Surveys in my hand and ask to myself: 1. How many people in the classroom have breakfast at: - please put your hands up for: a. 6 a.m. – 7 a.m. b. 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. c. 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. d. Other "and then everybody in the class writes down how many people next to the answer options." *Write this on the board* "for example, a. 6 a.m. - 7 a.m. = 3 people or just 3" - Explain the option 'other'; "if your answer isn't A. B. or C. then please circle 'D. other' this means you do something before 5am like you wake up at 4.30a.m. OR maybe you start work at 1p.m." - Tell them they will have 6-7 minutes to answer the questions and then 2 minutes to check answers as I ask "what's the answers for Q1. A) ?" - Students will have 1 minute to discuss the results with their partner. - Elicit pronunciation by making SS repeat 1 question form: T: Please repeat after me "What time do you go to bed in the week?" S: Repeat T: "What time (SS) do you (SS) go to bed (SS) in the week (SS) ? T: Just the ladies: "What time....?" S: Repeat T: Now the gentlemen: "What time...?"

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks of writing their own questions

- Pair them up with colours Purple and Green - Explain the next task thoroughly to the students: "I will give you some small HO's. You will see ex. 10 & 11 (have one in hand, showing the learners) on them. Write 8 questions, similar to the ones in the survey but this time instead of "How many people in the class..." start with "What time do you...?" "When do you...?" * To demonstrate this clearly, write an example (or two) on the board. - Give them 7 minutes. - Get students to ask their partner the questions and see if their partner does this at the same time as them. * Demonstrate with an example: "Latif, what time do you go to bed in the week?" (if not the same, ask another) "What time do you get up? b., ah! the same as me, I also wake up at b. 6-7a.m. LATIF AND I BOTH GET UP AT SIX O CLOCK. - SS then have 3 minutes to find the similarities between them and their partner. - One person from each pair tells the class 1 thing they do the same.

Productive Task(s): World routines (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills: daily routines; Present Simple: positive Wh-questions

- First teach 'hospital' and 'office' to students. T. "When I'm ill, I go to see a...." S. "A doctor! T. "Yes, that's correct. A doctor works in a......" S. "Hospital!" - Before giving A & B sheets out, explain the task to SS; "You will work in pairs, same pairs as now (2,2,2...) and I will worksheet A to student A and worksheet B to student B. PLEASE DO NOT LOOK AT EACH OTHER'S WORKSHEETS! Don't show your partner! because you will ask each other daily routine questions and A has some answers that B doesn't and B has some answers that A doesn't." - Have SS to stand up. -Give out HO's to student's A & B. - Explain what's on the worksheet to WC. DON'T show them the worksheet! "There are 3 couples on the worksheet. Where are they from?" S. "Alfonso and Barbara, Italy. Omar and Layla..." "Where do they work?" S. : "In a shop, In a hospital and in an office." - Tell students that the husband and wife in each photo WORK TOGETHER and have the SAME DAILY ROUTINE. - Give an open example: T. "What time do Alfonso and Barbara get up?" S. "at 8 o'clock or 8 a.m." - SS ask each other questions for about 7 minutes - For FB, one person from each pair will go to WB and write a question sentence. First one being Q.1

Final classroom activity/game: 'What do you do at this time?' (3-5 minutes) • To practice the topic which was covered

- Pair up SS 'Purple, Green' - Write 'what do you do at this time?' on WB - Explain the task: * Each pair comes in front of the WB and I will whisper an activity in your ear. (call up one of the students ie Maral) whisper in her ear 'breakfast'. "Maral, please put the long hand on 7," her partner tries to guess. If they can't then I'll prompt: "What time do you breakfast?" - Pairs take turns. Whoever gets it right in 10/15 seconds gets a high 5, if they can't guess they get a high 1- index finger.

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