Gulnora Djuraeva Gulnora Djuraeva


Abc Realia
Abc English Unlimited Unit 3.2 page 24
Abc English Unlimited Unit 3.2 page 25
Abc English Unlimited Unit 3.2 page 26
Abc Cards for pair work

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of telling time in the context of in context of arranging meeting

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice telling the time with numbers 15, 20, 45 etc.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Draw a digit clock on the board, and ask Ask : * Whats the time? Elicit answer from Ss. Write on the board examples of the time and practice with WC. Show the meaning of about and nearly, using the pictures in the margin of your own drawing on the board. Practice saying Its about 3 o clock, focusing on the reduced vowels. Note that: *1:00 is one o clock. *6:57 is about 7:00 *9:26 is nearly 9:30

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a task

Enplane how to do exercise 3 (c), give students HO1 . Recording 1.51 track, after they finish let them check answers in pairs. Give them only 1 min to check and nominate students to write answers on the board. Rearrange pairs and give students clocks (model clock face). learners ask each other the time they arrange on the clock: * Whats the time? Draw the diagram on the board and elicit the a.m. and p.m. * When do you have breakfast ( lunch, dinner, a shower, a lesson, an English lesson?...) In the morning In the afternoon In the evening To present the vocabulary, write on the board: day, night. Use the diagram to focus on the meaning. Ask: * Is it day now, or night? Then write morning, afternoon and evening * What is it now? Ask students be specific. * When do you get up? In the morning, at 8.00. * When do you have lunch? In the afternoon, at 2.30. * When do you go to bed? At 10 p.m., in the evening. Explain how to do exercise 1 (a, b, c) Give students HO (2). After they finish let them listen track 1.52 and check the answers. Ask * What day is today? * Is it Monday? * What day is tomorrow? Elicit students to say and write on the board days of the week. Give students exercise 2(b) HO(3) and recording track 1.57 Ask WC about the answers and write them on the board.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the time prepositions: in, on, at

Make sure students understand the words: "free", "busy". * Are you free now? No, you have an English lesson. You are busy. * Are you free in the evening? Yes, I am free. Highlighting the TL: * I want to go to the cinema. When are you free? * I am free on Friday, at 6.00 in the evening. Write on the board: in on at

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Write on the board: In the morning, at 9.00, on Thursday Give students HO (4) and let them do exercise 3 (a, b) and check in pairs.

Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and practice

Arrange students in pairs. Give each learners a card, A or B. They ask questions: * When are you free? * When are you busy? Ask pairs when they are both free (on Monday afternoon).

Flexy (8-10 minutes) • Extra time activity

Give students HO (4) They have to check answers in pairs.

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