sayedkhairy sayedkhairy

Tp1 Sayed Khairy (Describing people)
pre- intermediate level


In this lesson, i will introduce myself to my students and I will tell SS how to ask questions to know people. Then, I will ask students to read three texts for gist. Next, i will ask them to read in details in order to complete the missing parts in the texts. After that,I will tutor students to ask questions and they will be asked to form questions themselves. Finally, i will give them the chance to speak through ask & answer questions in a find your partner game..


Abc cards - handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of forming questions in the context of describing people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice using a text about reading stories in the context of stories


lead in (10-15 minutes) • to generate interest in the topic of the text.

I will ask SS to read the texts and match them with the titles.

reading • to practice reading for a gist.

SS will read and complete the missing parts in a story.

highlighting target language (10-15 minutes) • to highlight forming questions so that learners are focused on.

I will show them how to change statements into questions.

language practice (10-15 minutes) • to provide free oral practice and use the language productively.

I will give students a chance to speak through asking and answering questions and a find your partner game.

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