Emad Mousad Shorrab Emad Mousad Shorrab


Abc Clandfield,L.(2012) Starightdorward Elementary SsBk 2nd Ed.Macmillan

Main Aims

  • To give students practice in speaking for accuracy and fluency in the context of typical friends and free-time activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give the students more controlled and semi-controlled practice of simple present yes/no questions.


Lead in (5-7 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of free time activities

Students will be shown some pictures of people who are plying football, some others who are shopping and some others who are travelling.

Preparing to speak (7-9 minutes) • To provide the students with a model of the pair work to follow.

During this stage of the lesson, I will ask the students to look at page 25 , exercise 1 in speaking and to think what they will do. I will elicit from them that they will ask and answer questions about their free time activities. I will start by showing them an example with one of them. I will write the example on the board and make sure they know how to follow it in their speaking.

Useful language (2-3 minutes) • To provide the students with the language which they may find useful for completing the speaking task

I will write the following two examples on the board and make sure the students know how to use these two patterns in their speaking putting into consideration some focus on the the sentences stress and intonation. Examples: 1- Do you watch Tv? Yes, I do. No, I don't. 2- Does he eat at restaurants? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.

Speaking task (7-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for the students to ask and answer questions and practice their oral fluency in relation to the topic presented.

In this stage of the lesson, the students will be asked to work in pairs asking and answering questions about their free time activities following the example given to them on the board. This part will be time limited. while they work in pairs, I will go through the class to make sure all the students are involved and help those who need help.

Feedback/ error correction (8-10 minutes) • To allow the students to listen to each other speaking

Every pair will come to speak out loud in front of the class while the rest of the class will listen to them. During this stage, I will try to pick up the most common errors they share and keep them in mind till they finish. Then, through some examples on the board, I will let them realize the true and the correct way of asking and answering questions in the present simple tense.

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