Mehrdad Baradaran Shokouhi Mehrdad Baradaran Shokouhi

TP8b, Mehrdad Baradaran Shokouhi
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will learn and practice about grammar, 'the and geographical names' in the context of globe-trotting. All of the Ss are adults from about 20-50 years old. Total number of Ss varies from 14-15. Most of Ss are fairly on the same level except a few who have a higher command of English. The ones with higher strength tend to help the weaker ones. It is a motivated team as a whole. Ss are cooperative, friendly and mature. They do their best to follow TIs. Turkish is used occasionally amongst Ss for clarification but Ts try to return Ss' attention to speaking English. Ss have developed a good rapport amongst themselves and with Ts which helps the smooth operation of the class. Overall, It is a very interesting class.


Abc Pictures (lead-in)
Abc Exposure Text
Abc HO (reading task)
Abc HO (delete, fill in gaps)
Abc Answer Key (delete, fill in gaps)
Abc HO (chart)
Abc HO ( answer key, underline)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of 'the and geographical names' in the context of global -trotting.
  • To provide review of 'the and geographical names' in the context of global -trotting.
  • To provide practice of 'the and geographical names' in the context of global-trotting

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the global-trotting.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Will get Ss interested and engaged in the lesson context as follow, 1. Will display some photos relevant to the geography and world explorers to elicit lesson context from Ss. 2. Will initiate discussion asking the following questions, - Which famous explorers from the past can you remember? - Who discovered America? (Columbus)? Are you sure? How do you know?

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

1. Ss will read text, and answer the questions below, - What the highlighted words have in common? 2. CCQs to expose Ss to the target language which is 'the & geographical names'. - Is 'the' used with the name of countries? - Is 'the' used with the name of continents? - Is 'the' used with the name of rivers? - Is 'the' used with the name of oceans?

Task (15-16 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Pre-teach the vocabulary - Cape: a large area of land that projects into the sea. - Voyage: Trip - Straits: Narrow passages of water between two pieces of land. - Globe-trotting: To travel throughout the world regularly. Task A 1. Pair up Ss. Instruct Ss to do the task individually first. When they are done, they can check their answers with their partners. 2. Provide them with the HO (reading text) 3. Ask Ss to read the text and underline all the geographical features/names with 'the' and circle all geographical features/names without 'the'. 4. I will model an example on the WB. 5. Provide time limit. 6. Ask CCQs: - What do you do? ICQ: Read - Are you going to read every detail? ICQ: No - What do you focus on? ICQ: Geographical names with/without 'the' - Do you do it yourself first? ICQ: Yes - Do you check your answers with your partner when you are done? ICQ: Yes 7. Monitor Ss. 8. Ask Ss to share their answers. 8. Provide Ss with answer key. TaskB 1. Pair up Ss. 2. Provide Ss with the HO (fill in gaps) 3. Ask them to delete unnecessary usage of the in the text 3 and add the in the gaps where necessary in text 4. 4. Ask CCQs - What do you do? ICQ: Read, delete, fill in the gaps - Are you going to read every detail? ICQ: No - Do you do it yourself first? ICQ: Yes - Do you check your answers with your partner when you are done? ICQ: Yes 4. Monitor Ss 5. Ask Ss to check their answers with their partner. 6. Provide Ss with the answer key. Provide Ss with the HO (chart) for future reference.

Language Analysis (2-3 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

'The' Meaning: used before nouns to refer to particular things or people that have already been talked about or are already known or that are in a situation where it is clear what is happening: I just bought a new shirt and some new shoes. The shirt was pretty expensive, but the shoes weren't. Would you please pass the salt? I'll pick you up at the airport. Form: the + Noun Pronunciation: UK ​ strong /ðiː/ weak /ðə/ US ​ strong /ðiː/ weak /ðə/

Language Practice (15-17 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

1. Divide Ss in two/three groups. 2. Ask Ss to imagine that they have a week holiday to go to Europe and they need to draw a travel plan using land, sea etc with paying attention to the target language 'the'. Ss need to think about the following questions. - Which countries do they want to travel? - Which cities do they want to visit? - What kind of activities do they want to participate in? 3. Provide time limit (9-10mins) 4. Monitor Ss. 5. Ask both groups to share their plans with WC. 6. Correct any pronunciation mistakes.

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