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TP: 6b Tourist Information Centre . Functional Language
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson students will use the functional language of offering help and asking for information to practice speaking in controlled and semi-controlled activities and produce the TL in the context of tourist information centre in freer practice activities.


Abc Gap-fill Handout
Abc T-made material, Headlines
Abc Google images

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for offering help, asking for information in the context of tourist information centre.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of tourist information centre.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T sticks four pictures on the WB. T shows the pictures, Ss say the name of the cities. T tells this is the first time you go to these cities. T asks 'where do we learn or know the places, where you eat, where you travel?' T tells Ss will write down three things in 3 minutes w/pairs. "Are we writing the places we go?"(No) "Are we writing where do we learn the places we go?" (Yes) "How many minutes do we have?" (3) For modelling; "from guidebook"

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T puts some maps, pictures, booklets on a desk. T calls a stronger students to the WB. Gives him/her a camera. T asks Ss "Who is he?" (Tourist), T elicits the vocabulary from the ss. "I have maps, tickets, tour guides. Who am I ?" (Shop assistant, Tourist Information centre worker) T models the question with the student. "Hello. Can I help you?" - "I want a map please."- "Here you are." "Am I helping the tourist?" (Yes) "Does he want to buy a map? (Yes) T will let the stronger go. T sets a conversation gap-filling practice. T gives five minutes to the ss for completing. They work with their partner. T asks ICQ before hand in the HO. "Are you working with your partner? (Yes) "Do you have 10 minutes?" (No)

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

At the end of the functional language practiced (controlled). T tells ss that they have topics, Ss will match the questions from the dialogue to these topics. "I have topics, you have dialogue. Look at the dialogue and match the question you have with these topics. Work in pairs with your partner a few minutes." " Are we writing questions under these topics?" (No) "Are we matching?" (Yes) T models "Asking for help - Can I help you?"

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Clarification starts with function. T writes the headlines/topics in a speech bubbles and calls the students to the WB. "Would you please come to the board and write the questions here?" T nominates every students. Ss will separate the functions by writing questions from their dialogue on the WB. T will clarify the function totally. Form and pronunciation will follow the function. "Can I help you?" "Do you have a map?" "Here you are" will be emphasized as model sentences. Book will be clarified by the Turkish cognate word "reservation". T will ask "What can we book?" (table, room, seat, bus, tour etc.) WCFB

Controlled Practice (7-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T sets new groups with the names of the objects from the previous lessons. ( map, camera, ticket ) T gives two controlled practice focusing on the target language. T tells that they have 7 minutes. "Now, you have similar conversations. Find the answers together and check the other groups' answers" "How many minutes do we have?" (7) Ss will mingle and check at the end. WCFB

Free Practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will keep the same groups. T asks ss to write a simple tourist information centre conversation. T will nominate two tourists and one assistant. "You write the same dialogue with your friends in 7 minutes. And we will read here (by showing WB)" "Are we writing about us?" (No) "Are we writing similar dialogue?" (Yes) "How many minutes do we

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