Upper-Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of the modal verb Should Have
Subsidiary Aims
Speaking: To provide fluency and accuracy in the context of the modal verb Should Have
Procedure (42-51 minutes)
SS take a look at pictures of Peter Gloystein and John Prescott projected on the WB. (they are already familiar with these 2 politicians and what they did from their previous lesson). In pairs, SS quickly discuss what these politicians did and to imagine if they were their friends or advisors, what they would have recommended or advised Gloystein and Prescott to do in order to avoid their politically incorrect actions. (3 mins) SS share what the WC their suggestions, possibly eliciting the TL : Should have
RE-GROUP: groups of 3 (or 4 depending on the amount of SS), T gives SS HO-1 which is folded in two. - SS quickly skim through the texts texts individually and then in their groups, discuss: Which of these politicians they think ought to have been punished and why? (5 mins). ICQ: 1. Are you going to quickly skim through the texts or are you going to read in detail? 2. Are you going to discuss which politician you think ought to be punished in your groups or in pairs? One person per group share with WC: - Which politician would they have recommended to be punished and why? Elicit : Should Have (5 mins)
SS unfold the paper and answer the following questions: "Read again and answer the following, True or False. Underline where you find the answer in the text. 1. Gloystein should have offered his business card, then the money in his pocket and finally his Mont Blanc Pen worth £150. (False: shouldn't have) 2. Prescott shouldn't have kept his cool when provoked. (False: should have) (2 mins) SS compare answers in their groups. FB with WC. (2 min)
T drills: 1. He SHOULDN'T have bothered. He SHOULDN'T have bothered. Drill: SHOULDN'T have SHOULDN'T have T explains to SS that when spoken it is pronounced as Shouldn't've (double contraction) but is written as SHOULDN'T have. Drill: SHOULDN'T'VE SHOULDN'T'VE T drills: 2. He SHOULD HAVE kept his cool. He SHOULD HAVE kept his cool. Drill: SHOULD HAVE SHOULD HAVE T explains to SS that when spoken it is pronounced as Should've (contraction) but is written as SHOULD have. Drill: SHOULD'VE SHOULD'VE T writes model sentences on WB. 1. He SHOULDN'T have bothered. 2. He SHOULD have kept his cool. T asks SS when should or shouldn't be used: - to make criticisms or give recommendations of past actions. T writes form analysis under model sentences in RED: 1. He shouldn't have bothered subj.+should+not+past participle 2. He should have kept his cool subj.+should+have+past participle CCQ: - Can you use "should have" to give advice for future actions? - (No) - Would you have recommended Gloystein to offer his business card, his money in his pocket and his expensive pen? (No) - Did Prescott keep his cool? (No) - Would it have been better if he kept his cool? (Yes)
SS are given gap-fill HO-2 and tells students that they will be doing the exercise alone and checking their answers in their groups. ICQ: Are you going to answer the questions in groups or alone? (alone) - Are you going to check your answers in groups or alone? (groups) T distributes answer key to SS so they can verify their answers. FB with WC.
SS think of five small mistakes they have made in their lifetime and write them down briefly using the modal verb (Should've/Shouldn't've) In pairs, SS share their mistakes and their partner tells them what they should or shouldn't have done. Each pair shares one mistake and one 'should have' response with the WC.
Should time allow, SS take a look at the pictures in HO-3. In pairs, based on the pictures, SS tell each other how they would fill in the sentence "You shouldn't have.........". FB with WC.