Ekaterina Ekaterina

Kate TP 7b_21.06.17
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will be introduced to Defining Relative Clauses - which, who and that. So far, I have not noticed them use this grammar, that is why the full clarification is going to be provided. Typically, turkish Ss have problems with this grammar, thus, lots of various practice has to be done - replacing pronouns, correcting mistakes, joining sentences, writing, speaking. The context features the carnival in Trinidado and all the activities are connected with the topic about carnivals and festivals.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Relative Clauses (who, which, that) in the context of festivals

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation and description in the context of festivals


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To continue the context set in the previous lessons and engage students

As long as Ss have just read the text about the carnival, the warm-up is connected to the same context. Use Pictures 1,2 (with people from the carnival). Give them to Ss (they will work in pair, so one pic to each pair). Ask them to discuss during 2 min what they have remembered from the text. After that, write WHO, WHICH and THAT on WB. Ask the questions about the pictures if Ss do not remember anything from the text: - do you agree that these are people who are dancing in the carnival? (yes, and T will write the word "who" on WB) - do you agree that they are listening to music which is played in the carnival? (yes and T will write the word `which`) - do you agree that Trinidad is a city that is popular for its Carnival? (yes and T will write the word `that` on WB). The WB will be divided into 3 columns: who / which / that (for the further activity)

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will ask Ss to find all sentences in the text where they see `who`, `which` or `that` (HO 1) and underline these sentences. Work in pairs. Time max 4 mins because Ss have already read this text in the previous lesson. ICQ: - do you work alone or in pairs? (in pairs) - do you underline every sentence or only with `who, which, that`? (only with) For STOPPİG the activity, T will ask one St what is his/her favourite English word and then will use it to stop them, because they often don't want to stop when they are asked. There are 5 sentences, ask Ss to tell how many they`ve found. T will ask one St to read aloud the sentences for WC to check.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

For clarification, T will ask 3 students to come and write the sentences on WB, one St will write with `which`, the other with `that`, the other with `who`. T will ask: - underline the word connected with `which` (who, that). - If St cannot underline, T will firstly ask WC to help, if WC cannot help, T will underline. - show me the words which we stress? - Ss should show an object before and a verb after a relative clause, if they cannot show, T will mark. Then Ss will drill the sentence: He took us to a CAFE that SERVES pelau. We had a telephone call from SOMEONE who KNEW Claire’s brother. Soca is a kind of MUSİC which is PLAYED at carnival time. T will ask to show the verb after WHO, WHİCH, THAT. T will ask questions: • Do we use WHO for people or things? (people) • Do we use WHİCH for people or things? (things) • Can we use THAT for people? (yes) • Can we skip WHO, WHICH or THAT? (no) • Do we join two short sentences into one big? (yes) • Do we give more information in our big sentence? (yes) • Is this a question? (no)

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with controlled practice and an opportunity to check their understanding of the grammar

Controlled practice includes 3 tasks. NUMBER 1. Ss will receive HO2 with: - form - ex.1 (Straightforward, Pre-Int, p.119) - change THAT to WHO or WHİCH. T sais: "You are going to work individually, you have 1 minute. When I say "FAVOURİTE WORD" what do you do?" (you stop). Answers on WB: 1. who 2. which 3. which 4. who NUMBER 2. Ss will receive HO 3 - ex.2 about finding mistakes (Straightforward, Pre-int, p.119) with the answers overleaf. T says: "Ther are 6 sentences, you have to correct the mistakes. CROSS OUT THE MISTAKES. You are going to work individually. You have 1 minute. When I say "FAVOURİTE WORD" what do you do?" (you stop). "There is an aswer key. When you finish the task, you can check your answers". ICQ: - do you work alone or in pairs? (alone) how much time do you have? (1 min) do you check the answers first? (no) NUMBER 3. Ss will receive HO 4 (Straightforward, Pre-int, p.119). T says: "One more task. You have 2 min and you will again work individually. You have to use only WHİCH or WHO in this task. You have to join the short sentences so as to get one big sentence. I am going to show you the example". WRITE IT ON WB: Venice has a carnival. It is famous for its beautiful masks. Should we use here WHİCH or WHO to connect the sentences? (WHİCH) Venice has a carnival WHICH is famous for its beautiful masks. Explain BEFORE START they don't need to rewrite, only to chose WHİCH or WHO to connect. İCQ: - are you working alone? (yes) how much time do you have? (2 min) will yo use THAT in your task? (no) When I say "FAVOURİTE WORD" what do you do?" (you stop). When they stop, T will offer Ss to check the answers in pairs, if they find any disagreement, they should ask questions. This way T will understand if Ss have any misunderstanding about the grammar.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to apply their productive skills (writing and speaking) to newly-acquired grammar

Put 3 desks in the middle of the class and give them a piece of paper to write. Ss will receive 3 advertisements (and they will work in 3 groups) to write about them and an example how to write. BEFORE START - EXPLAIN. "You have got different festival advertisements. In your groups, quickly read the information about your festival and then write a short description about it. You have to use Who, Which and That in your writing. I am going to give you an example". Example: I`ve read about the carnival which takes place in Trinidad. During the carnival there are many people who wear beautiful costumes. The carnival has special music that called "soca". There is the parade with lots of people who are dancing. T says: "YOU HAVE 5 min to prepare". When they finish, T will ask a representative from each group to come and speak. After presenting, if there are common mistakes, T will correct them.

Free Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

2 activities, depending on Ss: T will ask Ss: "Have you ever visited any festivals?". If they say YES, T will ask: "Please talk in pairs, tell each other about the festival which you visited last time. Try to use WHO, WHİCH or THAT in your speech". If they say NO, T will give them a handout about Istanbul Jazz festival (it is oncoming in July and Ss might be interested in visiting it). T will give an example: This is the festival which will start on the 4th of July. T will be monitoring to check if they use Relative Clauses.

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