sundus sundus

B2 level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to a listening text in the context of women in politics. Students will brainstorm about powerful women in politics and share their ideas with the class. Students will learn some vocabulary that may block their understanding before they listen to the text. They will work on a gist and on specific listening tasks in accordance with 2 listening texts about encouraging women into politics and the electoral systems. Students will practice free speech in relation to the context.


Abc match definition with the word, answer questions according to the text,

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about encouraging women into politics and electoral systems

Subsidiary Aims

  • to provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of women in politics


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, prepare them for the text and engage students

Students will see pictures of some powerful women in politics and comment on; "What are the common things about these ladies?" "Which one would you vote for? "Do you have an example of a powerful woman in politics in your country?

Pre-listening (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible to them

Students will be exposed to some of the assumed blocking vocabularies to make sure that they understand the text properly. In pairs, students will have to match the word with the right definition. After peer checking, FB will be done with the WC. The teacher will focus on the word elected, condescending,offensive and offended. MPF will be highligted.

Gist listening (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening within the context of women in politics

Students will listen to the text to have an overall idea about what the text is about. Gist question will be, "What is the main idea of the listening text? Possible answers: Women in politics, how the role of women in politics have evolved? What can be done to encourage women into politics? After peer checking, FB will be done with the WC.

Listening for specific info (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging, detailed listening tasks and to familiarise them with the text

Students will read the questions in Ex.1 before they listen for the second time. After they listen, students will check their answers with their partner. FB wiil be done with the WC with reasons and elaboration.

Listening for detail (8-10 minutes) • to practice listening for detailed comprehension of the text

Students will listen to the second part of the text and decide, "Which speaker supports the quota sytem and which speaker is agaist it? Students will check their answers with their partner. FB will be done with the WC as they provide reasons for their answers. CCQ: Does speaker 1 supports the system? why? Does speaker 2 supports the system?why? Which speaker sounds realistic? Which speaker sounds ideal?

Post-Listening practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Students will sit in groups and discuss whether they support or disaprove the quota system and what can be done to encourage women into politics providing reasons for their ideas. If time permits groups, will change and the students will talk to other students and exchange ideas. The teacher will monitor and take notes about pronunciation mistakes and drill.

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