Mithad Alomerovikj Mithad Alomerovikj

Practicing saying years
A1 - beginners level


The focus of this lesson is practicing saying years, and students will practice how to say and pronounce years. Birthdates is the context of the session. Students will also receive knowledge on how to ask and respond on their own birthdates. Exposing students to listen to short audio about birthdates of famous people will increase their knowledge in different ways of expressing themselves.


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Main Aims

  • To provide oral practice of years in the context of years
  • By the end of the lesson, learners will have had the opportunity to practice using dates and will be better able to talk about years

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context years


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher introduces himself writing his birthdate on the WB. Then, he starts showing images of famous people in Turkey sticking them on the WB, adding ''was born in'' next to them. Pictures of: Beren Saat was born in Barış Manço was born in Arda Turan was born in Mustafa Kemal was born in Fatih Sultan Mehmet was born in Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ was born in Sezen Aksu was born in Sıla was born in The teacher selects students to say/guess a year when some of these people were born. After the exercise, the teacher writes the answer keys on the WB.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students listen to tape script 2.24, and the teacher asks them to repeat after him. While listening, the teacher stops the tape after each number and drills with the whole class. Whole class feedback. ISQs: Are you going to repeat after the teacher? (Yes) Are you going to speak to your classmate? (No)

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher writes several years on the WB. Then, he tries to elicit the meaning and pronunciation from the students, and writes it next to the numbers. Then the teacher explains the different forms. This particular years were selected because they show different ways of saying a date. 2009 - Two thousand and eight (We use 'AND' after thousands when saying numbers) 1900 - Nineteen hundred (We prefer to group numbers in 'hundreds' instead of thousands) 1807 - Eighteen oh seven (We divide numbers into two, creating pairs - and instead of 'zero' we prefer to say 'oh') 1945 - Nineteen forty-five (We divide numbers into two, creating pairs) 2000s - Two thousands (If it's not a particular year, but a period, we use the plural form) FB WC, drilling after every number. Every student will say a number and the teacher will write it on the WB. ICQs: Do we say a number to our classmates? (No) Do we say a number to the teacher? (Yes)

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher does a year dictation. He dictates 9 years to the class. 1733, 1481, 1955, 1937, 1894, 2007, 1607, 1923, 1570 The students listen and write the years they hear. Than they check in pairs before writing the answers on the WB.

Semi-Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Teacher gives a handout to the students with numbers on it, ex. 2. Than he reads the numbers. Students repeat after the teacher. WC FB Later, they listen to an audio about some famous people and 'when were they born''. While listening, on the same handout, students complete the sentences from ex. 3. Check in pairs.

Free Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher gives the students pieces of paper. The students write just their birthdate on it. Than, the teacher chest his paper (as small demo) and writes on the board two sentences: one question and one positive sentence. When were you born? I was born in _______. Later he tells them to ask all of their classmates. The teacher monitors and does error corrections. ICQs: Do you work in pairs? (Yes) Do you ask your friend? (Yes) Do you ask just one friend? (No)

If time activity - Chinese whispers (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more free practice of the target language

The teacher asks the class to sit in circle. He whispers a year to a student's year. They must whisper it to the next student and so on round the circle. When the year gets back to the original student, they must tell the class whether they heard the same year as they started with. Several students will start the whisper, having whispers going both clockwise and anti-clockwise. ICQs: Do we speak aloud? (No) Do you keep the word for you? (No) Do you whisper the word to the friend sitting next to you? (Yes)

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