Mehrdad Baradaran Shokouhi Mehrdad Baradaran Shokouhi

TP4b, Mehrdad Baradaran Shokouhi
A1 level


In this lesson, Ss will learn and practice about simple present tense using daily routine lifestyle. All of the Ss are adults from about 20-50 years old. Total number of Ss in the last TP was 13 but, It varies time to time. Most of Ss are fairly on the same level except a few who have a higher command of English. The ones with higher strength used to help the weaker ones, but this sort of tendency was less noticeable in the previous TP. It is a motivated team considering everything. Ss are cooperative, friendly and mature. They do their best to follow T instructions and a great rapport between Ss and Ts is already established. Turkish is used occasionally amongst Ss for clarification but Ts try to get Ss attention back to speaking English. A sense of progress is noticeable concerning Ss level of comprehension on different aspects.


Abc Picture ( Page40 )
Abc HO ( Ex3a, Ex3b )
Abc HO, Self-Prepared, Fill in the Gaps
Abc HO, Self-Prepared, Do, Does

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, practice and review of the present simple tense in the context of daily routine life.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification, practice and review on words " work, live, do,does, like, where, when ' in the context of daily routine lifestyle.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. To display the picture on page40 and get Ss engage and interested in the context of the lesson so that I can start introducing the target language. 2. Ask Ss questions about the photo. - Who are they? Names? Nadine, Carol, and Tom - What does Nadine have? Orange juice - What does Carol have? Cappuccino - What does Tom have? Sandwich with coke - Does Nadine know Tom? No, he doesn't. - Ask them to listen to Ex3a in pairs and circle the answers on their HO. - Monitor Ss - Go through the answers with the WC.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. Let Ss know that you are going to play recording29 on CD2 and Ss need to listen and complete Ex3a and Ex3b. - Group Ss in pairs. - Distribute the HO. - Model and provide CCQ. - Play the recording. - Monitor Ss. - Go through the answers with Ss.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. Write down sentences from the lesson on the WB about the simple present tense. - Carol has.... - Nadine works... - She studies.... - She is from..... - She lives with.... 2. Draw Ss attention to the question form of simple present tense. - Where does Nadine work? - What does she do? - Where does she live? - Does she like Manchester? 3. She lives, He lives Where does she live? Where does he live? 4. Display the HO ( do, does ) on the WB and go through it.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. Clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target language. - Clarify the present simple tense of he/she/it and short answers. - Use the example questions to clarify the word order - Question word + does + he/she/it + verb - Where does Nadine work at the weekend? - What does she do in the week? - Does she know Nadine? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. - Does she like Manchester? Yes, She does. No, she doesn't. 2. Clarify that the axillary does has no meaning, but is used to make the question. 3. Point out that there is no -s on the main verb in the Present Simple questions. - Where does Nadine work at the weekend? 4. point out that Simple Present questions are the same for he, she and it. Point out that we use the auxiliary does with all verbs except be: Where is he?

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will provide Ss with the self-prepared HO to fill in the gaps. Use “ do “ or “ does “ 1. Where………………..she live? 2. What………………….you do on the weekend? 3. Where……………….he work? 4. Where……………….they live? 5. What…………………you do in your free time? 6. What………………..Tom do? 7. Where………………I from? 8. ……………… like chocolate? 9. ……………….she eat apples? 10. ……………Nadine work with Tom? 11. ……………….Mehrdad your teacher? 12. ……………………you like school? 13. ……………………we work on the weekend? 14. drive a car? Fill in the gaps with do, don’t, does, doesn’t 1. speak Italian? No, I…………… 2. ………….you speak Turkish? Yes, I……………….. 3. ………….they live in Istanbul? No, they………… 4. ………….we live in Turkey? Yes, we……………… 5. Where…………………….Tom live? 6. Where……………..Tom work? 7. …………………..Nadine work in school? 8. What……………………they do on the weekend? 9. What…………we do?

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

In this practice, I will ask Ss some do/does questions such as, - Do you work on the weekends? - Does she speak French? - Do you drive a car? - Do you like chocolate? - Does he speak Chinese?

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In this practice, I will arrange Ss in pairs and ask them to ask each other questions using words " where, what, do, does " and answer. - What do you do? - Do you play football?

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