Kate TP 1b_01.06.17
Upper-Intermediate level

Main Aims
To introduce students to What clauses and have them practice within the context of collecting
Subsidiary Aims
Listening for gist and detail in the context of collecting
Procedure (33-45 minutes)
T will bring a bag filled with different things, such as coins, spoons, coloured pencils, magnets, maps, shots, etc. T will ask Ss to group the objects. Then T will ask Ss how they can name these groups of things. T will elicit the answer - collection/collecting.
T will stick the pictures of the objects onto WB, hand out the papers with the names of these objects and have Ss match the names with the pictures. I will split Ss in 2 groups and have them guess the names of these objects. Then T check their suggestions.
T will split Ss in 3 groups and ask a question to them about the picture-matching: what are the most interesting things to collect among the presented objects and why? Then they share their opinion with the whole class.
T will have Ss answer the question: Do you (or have you ever) collect anything?
T will have Ss listen to five people talking about their collections. The pictures of collected objects are on WB, Ss should match 5 speakers with one of the pictures. Ss do this activity in pairs, then check whole class.
T will give handouts to Ss with 8 questions. Ss will work individually, they will listen to the dialogues again and match each speaker with the given questions. Then T will have Ss check their answers in pairs and then check the whole class.
T will write a question on the board: Who are more often collectors, men or women? Why? Ss will work in 3 groups. Then T will have Ss share their ideas.
T will ask a question to Ss: What things would you like to collect? Ss will give different answers, T will write them on WB. Then T will write on WB: I would REALLY like to collect dog's badges. T will highlight words 'what' and 'really'. T will write a sentence: What I would like to collect IS dog's badges. T will explain MPF of What-clauses: Meaning: emphasize the importance of information. CCQ: - Do I care about this thing? – Yes - If we remove the information after What-clause, will the whole sentence be meaningful? – No - Do I really want this thing? - Yes - Is this a question? - No - Can we shorten the phrase? - Yes, What I'd like to collect IS dog's badges. T will explain the form of What-clauses using different colours: What + subject + main verb + BE + object part. (+) What I'd like to collect is dog’s figures T will practice stresses in What-clauses (backchaining and drilling).
T will hand out the tapescrips of the listening and have Ss find 5 examples of What-clauses. Ss will work in pairs, then share their answers with another pairs. Then T will ask for correct answers.
T will hand out the grammar exercise to Ss and ask them to rewrite the sentences beginning with What. Ss will work individually, then check in pairs, then T check the whole class.
Ss will work in pairs. T will ask Ss to talk to their partner about things that they like, dislike, or want using What-clauses. Then they share their ideas with the whole class.
T will give handouts to Ss about "What I love about..." and ask them to discuss things in pairs.