zohre.smi zohre.smi

reading & listening
intermediate, file 3 level


In this lesson, students practice reading and listening skills and they also learn a handful of new vocab based on the context of the session. The lesson starts with a short clip of a father taking care of his child to make the lesson context. Then, students learn some words about the things required to raise a child. After that, the students are asked to make deductions about the context of book a and read the text for the first time to check their made guesses. Then, they read it for the second time to answer some more detailed questions. After that, students are told to imagine they are the author of a book about taking care of children and mention three tips to help dads how to raise a child. They listen to the audio for the fist time to understand whether their tips are mentioned in that extract or not. Then, they listen for the second time to answer some more detailed questions. Finally, students are divided into two groups of men and women and are given some written stereotypes. They are supposed to support their group to have an speaking chance as well.


Abc pictures, T.V, clip, and board

Main Aims

  • To provide further practice on gist-content and detailed questions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency through a speaking activity


Pre-text (1-10 minutes) • To encourage students to think about content of the text and engage students

Students see a short a clip about a dad in charge of taking care of his daughter for some days. The students are supposed to guess the topic of the session by watching it that is "men taking care of children". students should discuss the following questions in their groups. DO YOU THINK IT IS A STEREOTYPE THAT THAT WOMEN ARE BETTER THAN MEN AT TAKING CARE OF SMALL CHILDREN? DO YOU KNOW ANY MEN WHO STAY AT HOME AND TAKE CARE OF THEIR CHILDREN? NAME SOME ACTIVITIES THAT MEN ARE GOOD AT WHEN IT COMES TO TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN. The teacher collects feedback.

While-text (10-40 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text and a listening audio, and to provide further practice for detailed comprehension

The students are shown a picture of needed things to take care of a child and learn some new words. The words would be the following ones. A BOTTLE OF ASPIRIN, WET WIPES, A FIRST AID-KIT, BIBS, A PACIFIER, A BABY FOOD JAR, A BABY BOTTLE, A BABY SPOON, A CHANGING MAT, KEYS, POWDERED MILK, A BLANKET, BABY LOTION, A THERMOMETER, A RATTLE The teacher shows the cover of the book "commando dad" and asks students to guess about the content of the book in their groups. The teacher collects feedback. The teacher pre-teaches some words. RAISE A CHILD, TRAINING MANUAL, DIAGRAM The following CCQs would be asked. WHEN YOU RAISE A CHILD, DO YOU HELP HIM WITH DIFFERENT THINGS LIKE FEEDING HIM? DOES A MANUAL TRAINING HELP YOU TO DO AN ACTIVITY CORRECTLY? Students read the text for the first time to check whether their made guesses about the book are correct or not. The teacher collects feedback. Students read the text for the second time to answer some more detailed questions. Students check their answers in pairs. The teacher collects feedback. 1.BECAUSE WHEN HIS FIRST CHILD WAS BORN, HE HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HIM, AND HE WANTED TO HELP OTHER MEN IN THIS SITUATION. 2.IT IS LIKE A MILITARY TRAINING MANUAL, WITH VERY PRECISE INSTRUCTIONS AND INCLUDES DIAGRAMS. Then, students are told to think of three tips that they would write to help men if they wanted to write a manual training about raising children. The teacher pre-teaches some vocab. SLEEPING PILLS, BABY TROOPER, EARPLUGS Students listen for the first time to see whether their tips are included in the book or not. The teacher collects feedback. Students listen again and mark the sentences true or false.Students check their answers in pairs. The teacher collects feedback. 1.F 3.F 5.T 7.F 2.T 4.F 6.T 8.F

Post-activity (40-50 minutes) • to develop oral fluency by providing an opportunity to react to the previous listening and readind exercise

students are divided into two groups of men and women. The teacher reads them some stereotypes ,and each group should agree or disagree with the stereotype and support its gender against it. The group that can support itself better is the winner. The stereotypes would be the followings. WOMEN WORRY MORE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE THAN MEN. MEN TALK MORE ABOUT THINGS; WOMEN TALK MORE ABOUT PEOPLE WOMEN ARE BETTER THAN MULTITASKING THAN MEN. MEN ARE MORE INTERESTED THAN WOMEN IN POWER. WOMEN ARE LESS INTERESTED IN SPORTS THAN MEN.

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