Eric van Luijt Eric van Luijt

Emphatic stress
B1 (MEF Level 4) level


In this lesson, students will learn about and practice the use of emphatic stress to emphasize different words in an utterance depending on the context.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice in the use of emphatic stress

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a review of what sentence stress is


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows picture of men from TN3 SB p101 and asks if they look angry (No). T instructs Ss to listen to conversation about politics and to write down 3 questions one man asks the other. T plays conversation between men. Ss write down 3 questions in conversation. T checks answers by showing them on slide.

Test #1 (5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

T gives Ss handout. Ss match the different versions of the questions 1-3 to the meanings a-c. Ss work in pairs. T encourages Ss to say the sentences out loud. T monitors Ss while they work and takes notes of areas where issues occur (either in meaning or pronunciation). In feedback, T checks answers by nominating different Ss to give corresponding matches. T writes answers on WB.

Test #2 (8 minutes) • To gauge students' application of the target language.

T focuses Ss' attention on slide. T instructs Ss to think of answers to the questions. T encourages Ss to say the questions out loud. T monitors Ss while they say the questions and think of answers. T takes notes of any issues. In feedback, T elicits possible answers from Ss and shows one sample answer on slide.

Teach (7 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

T elicits WHY we stress different words in a sentence (To emphasize one word or to elicit a certain answer). T elicits HOW we stress a word (By pronouncing the word higher and louder). T shows sentence 'I love your mother's cooking.' and drills different pronunciations whole-class. Ss then repeat saying the sentences for 2 minutes. T monitors and corrects if necessary. T focuses on any further issues that came up in test stage.

Test #3 (10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first two tests

T assigns Ss role A or B and gives HO2 to As and Bs. T instructs Ss a to say the statements on their handout. B listens and chooses the best meaning. They have 3 minutes. When they finish, they check their answers. Ss test each other, T monitors for issues. In feedback, T covers any issues that came up and nominates Ss to do mini-conversations in open pairs. T instructs Ss to swap roles. Student B says statements, A chooses the meaning. They check answers when finished. Ss test each other, T monitors for issues. In feedback, T covers any issues that came up and nominates Ss to do mini-conversations in open pairs.

Free practice (15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T creates 7 groups. Each pair is given a slip from HO3. Ss write a short roleplay (10 lines maximum), illustrating the meaning of that sentence as a result of the stressed word. They have 8 minutes to prepare their roleplays. Ss prepare roleplays. T monitors and assists where necessary. T invites each pair to perform their roleplay for the class.

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